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New phone w/o SD backed up playlists looking for SD card - won't mount

Go to solution Solved by MotleyG,

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I've looked at several similar posts, and checked the FAQ. I've changed phones from a Samsung S8 with all music on the SD card ("FLAC" folder, etc). I backed up my settings, playlists etc w/Poweramp. My New S22 does not have an SD card, so I just copied my music folders ("FALC", etc) to the main drive of the S22.  I've imported my backup settings and Poweramp isn't able to play most playlists ('storage unmounted'). I've disabled legacy and re-scanned and nothing. These are playlists created in PA (+ to add to playlist). Although I have duplicated my music folders on the new phone, PA must still be looking for the same folders on a now no existent SD card.


I also tried re-importing the playlists - and now have multiple copies of the playlists (obviously I can delete the extra lists, but wanted to wait for a solution).


Is there a solution for this?



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38 minutes ago, IndyDave said:

I backed up my settings, playlists etc w/Poweramp. My New S22 does not have an SD card, so I just copied my music folders ("FALC", etc) to the main drive of the S22.  I've imported my backup settings and Poweramp isn't able to play most playlists ('storage unmounted'). I've disabled legacy and re-scanned and nothing. These are playlists created in PA (+ to add to playlist). Although I have duplicated my music folders on the new phone, PA must still be looking for the same folders on a now no existent SD card.

Since you restored settings from your old install, your storage devices are still showing the SD card as well. You can remove all of the storage locations, then add the new location(s) that you have saved your music and playlists to. You will need to do this anyhow thanks to the new storage access your S22 uses in the latest Android OS.

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Thanks. Gave that a shot and still have the issue.


I uninstalled PA, went back to old phone and just backed up the play lists and audio settings in PA. copied that file to new phone, reinstalled PA and . . . .  still having the same issue.

I disabled legacy (again). no change.

Did a re-scan, no changes. Play list still not working.

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EDIT: See nest post for details. ok - actually . . .I think I have an issue with the first couple of songs in a particular playlist. I should have been trying other playlists - but I wasn't. I was only testing one (my favorite). The issue is with some songs a recently added that must be in a unique folder

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Although the songs in question did transfer and PA does see them in its directly when I search for them, something with select songs in a few play lists getting lost in translation - the rest of the list plays.

No big deal - it's just a few select songs - I've re-added them the the song lists and deleted the (now duplicate) entries that were failing to load.


All Good. Thanks.

Edited by IndyDave
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