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Folders have Disappeared


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Hi there, first up, just want to say that this is an amazing app - been using the leaked betas for a couple of weeks and it's almost perfect!

One major problem with the new (market) version though, unfortunately.

I've been using Poweramp to stream from my PC collection, using a CIFS share to mount it to the SD Card (/sdcard/streaming/Artist/Album) - it worked absolutely perfectly til the Market Update and now after scanning, Poweramp tells me I have no folders selected, even though it briefly flashes up the correct figures. Seriously frustrating cos I just can't see anything that has changed in this regard between the two version - anyone any ideas?

Absolute shame 'cos this truly is an exceptionally awesome player, fingers crossed I can figure this out! :)

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Yeah, uninstalled, rebooted, installed .113 and it worked like a charm, did the same in reverse and the Market Version still isn't working properly, it recognizes the mounted folder exists, scans it then shows the "No Folders Selected" screen - strange :( Back to .113 til it expires unfortunately.

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I see. 204 build uses volume_id (assigned per sd card once when formatted). The path you're mounting most probably has no such volume_id, thus it's not recognized as sd card or other storage. This could be solved by hierarchical folder selection feature, but I can't say when this will be added.

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  • 6 months later...

:cry: I have the same problem! Please, please fix this issue if you can and I will be glad to buy this app. The ability to read cifs shares will make this a killer app for me and other power users. Currently the only app that can do this effectively that I have tried is mortplayer, but mortplayer does not support enough formats for me to use for my music collection. Is there any work around for this issue?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm having the same problem.. I bought a tablet specifically to play files over a network, doesn't sound too good if this feature has been missing since November. I did buy Poweramp.. I tried installing 113 but it says expired. Any other way to run it?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Looks like it's fixed. I'm not sure if it was build 387 that fixed it or the way I did my mount points. If you mount //sdcard/cifs/mp3 - that works. //sdcard/mp3 does not work - it wants to be under the cifs directory. Now I'm having a problem with it rescanning all my files on each reboot, but I'll make a new topic for that.

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