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Higher Volume

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(Maybe this can be solved on my phone directly with some hack, but...)

It would be great to be able to turn up the volume much more. I did set the reply gain to 89db (with Media Monkey) so I have not to change volume constantly. But on my phone (HTC Desire Z) the music plays really quit on my headphones. I have set the "preamp" in Poweramp to the max (and volume too) and still it's not loud enough (and I am not talking about ear killing madness! - riding in the subway is often more loud than my music with really good headphones ).

Is there any solution for me? Would a higher preamp make sense?



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You can get more volume from PowerAMP (for example, by using LOUD equ preset, adjusting preamp, etc.), but:

- you can damage your hearing. Due to this, almost all phones limit max volume (though, there are hacks to remove limit, like Voodoo driver/app)

- if you amplify basses, some dynamic range is required, but songs are usually already normalized, thus negative preamp is needed. In this case master volume helps.


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You can get more volume from Poweramp (for example, by using LOUD equ preset, adjusting preamp, etc.), but:

- you can damage your hearing. Due to this, almost all phones limit max volume (though, there are hacks to remove limit, like Voodoo driver/app)

- if you amplify basses, some dynamic range is required, but songs are usually already normalized, thus negative preamp is needed. In this case master volume helps.


I do not want some ear breaking voume, just a volume that my songs -which replay gain is at 89db- play normal ;)

I just bought VolumeBoost from the market which does this trick without the need of a rooted phone :)

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