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How to Play from Network?

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I'm using the Trial version of Poweramp on my Archos 70. I would like to buy the full version, except that I've spent the last 45 minutes trying to figure out how to stream music over wifi from my laptop. I have no problems doing this with the stock Music app - I simply browse to the network folder and open the files. I tried activating the Network folder as a music folder, but this crashes the program because, well, it's trying to scan everything on the network. I want to point it to just my music folder but I can't see where to do that. Better yet, I'd like to simply be able to access the Network Music folder in the 'Folders' tree. Am I missing something completely obvious? Can someone please point me in the right direction? Thank you!

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Thank you for the quick response, though I'm sad to hear that. Especially since I know it's possible to play the files if I open them one at a time from the Files browser. I will look into CIFs or perhaps another player. I have heard nothing but wonderful things about Poweramp and look forward to the day you can implement this feature.

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