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Pause/Play Previous/Next Music track on notification bar

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Hello there, I just came across a pretty good idea. I love the player and I don't think it could be any better. Its the best on android! I was just thinking that it would bbe pretty cool to have the play, pause, previous track and next track button on the notification bar along with the song whenever u pull down the notification bar. It's quick and very convient and best of all, new to everyone else. So Poweramp would be the first player on android to have the feature. But I hope you like my idea and it brings u more fortune in the success of the music player


Anthony Asher

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Hi, thanks for the request.

The pull down notification "drawer" closes it self on any click in app notification rectangle. This means, it would be pretty hard to operate player from there as on each >> press, for example, drawer will close itself.

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