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Coverart missing in library-view


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I've embedded coverart in all of my MP3 and did it always the same way (same size of JPG, same tool, no seperate folder.jpg in folders, etc.). In folder-view and main-GUI coverart is shown correctly for all files. I've disabled automatic dowload of albumart, so all pictures must have been taken from the MP3s itself. But for some reason coverart for some albums is missing in library-view (albums), but not for all. Some are shown correct. I can't figure out what's the reason. Could anybody tell me what could be wron here?

Thanks in advance!



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Thanks. I've tried to copy all songs to the phone once again. The result is the same but now other covers are missing that means it happens randomly and there is nothing wrong with the MP3's itself.

But I found a workaround: After files has beend copied to the phone I have to open stock MP3-Player and scroll through the whole list (-> all covers will be loaded to the library). After that they are also shown in library-view of Poweramp.



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