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bunch of feature requests

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i figured i make a post with all the features i would like in Poweramp, so here goes:

1) different control for Tone knobs (something that allows me to see numbers like xx%, or finer controll, i wand to go as high as possible without distortion, so knowing that the value for bass is 52% would be helpfull)

2) something that allows me to backup Poweramp settings (hate reconfiguring, and remaking all eq presets after each ROM update, especially the tone knobs)

3) ability to disable fade between tracks

4) ability to disable fade animation of album art

5) ability to change text and background colour in lower part of screen (song name , artist, album, is currently blueish colour, on a blueish background, since i do not have LED display, i can not read while outside) to white on black, or black on white

6) same as number 5 but for folder and library view (here background is black, it would be more useful if text wore white)

that's about it...

what do you think?

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