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Resume on A2DP Connection

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I have a problem regarding resume on A2dp Connection. In my car, all music players (winamp, android player) resume after hitting

the "aux" Button on car audio system and switching to bt device only Poweramp resumes directly on a2dp connection.

That is a problem for me. Because when I only want to listen to FM on the car audio system, I have to set Poweramp to pause manually (for audio books important).

Does the resume function of Poweramp listen to other events than the android player or winamp? What can I do?

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PowerAMP indeed doesn't resume on bt connection unless Resume on BT A2DP connection is checked in it's Headset Options.

If you get PowerAMP resumed on bt connection even with this option OFF, it means on your device/ROM bt headset connection is not distinguishable from wired headset connection (bug in ROM or some other app does this).


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