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Posts posted by AVCPL



    damn, I got excited that maybe I missed something, but I just checked my settings and that is what I have (Settings=>Library=>Shuffle=>Category Items Shuffle = Shuffle Songs)

    I just opened a new playlist and hit the shuffle icon and sure enough it plays and the pop up says: "Shuffle Songs and Categories" 

    which is really confusing because it seems like this is the exact option I have been asking for, but it's just not working...

  2. That's what I do but it's extra steps and sometimes I forget and chaos ensues! 

    I would like to just select the playlist and hit the shuffle icon. As it is now, I select the playlist, hit the shuffle icon, go into the category and cycle through/hold down and select the shuffle songs option. 


    Ideally I wish Shuffle Songs and Shuffle Off were my only options as I never, ever shuffle categories.

    It would be nice to be able to choose what options we want included on the Shuffle and Repeat menus. 

  3. On 2/22/2024 at 8:10 PM, maxmp said:

    It's either shuffle Songs or Shuffle Songs/Categories. The later is applied when shuffle button is pressed in the list header. Poweramp will still move to the next category (next genre) if repeat mode allows that.

    Is there any way you can make this behavior selectable?  I would love it if the former (Shuffle Songs) is applied when shuffle button is pressed in the list header...


    What would be ideal then would to have a "Resume" button in the header section.

    That way when you change playlists you can just pick up in the same spot in the shuffle as the last time you were there, with the same "Repeat" and "Shuffle" settings, etc. 

    For example, some playlists I have a few songs the I want played with "Repeat Category" selected and other playlists with hundreds of songs that I might have listened to half of them with no shuffle or repeat. With a "Resume" button I could go back and forth between multiple playlists and not have to remember where I was and what shuffle and repeat settings I had previously...

    Is something like this possible? I think it might appeal to many users. I don't see a downside and would make the player perfect in my estimation! 

    Again, thanks for listening to my whining! 

  5. Right. I realize to get the player to do what I want is possible. I just wish that I didn't have to remember to check the settings and then change them.

    I don't see why the player changes any setting at all. I should just have "shuffle songs" and "repeat off" as a default that I've chosen and never have to think about it again unless I decide to change it...

    It's not that it's that big of a deal, just a puzzling inconvenience. 

    thanks for your time! 

  6. the post I referred to listed the issue at the beginning. I don't want the "category" (ie "playlist" why is the verbiage so confusing?) to change to a different one, whether I'm advancing by playing or advancing by swiping the album art, which has happened on the other setting but never happens on "shuffle songs". 


    All I want is one simple thing: to open a playlist, hit shuffle icon and have the playlist play in "shuffle songs" mode.


    That's it.


    I never want the player to select a different shuffle mode than "shuffle songs". Ever. 


    I just don't get why we don't have the option; seems like an easy fix. 


  7. On 3/3/2023 at 6:46 AM, mirko77 said:

    I cannot believe I am the only one having this issue.

    Whatever I select, whether is Album, Artist, Playlist etc, if I tap shuffle on the header bar, it will always "Shuffle Songs and Categories", despite having a setting to avoid exactly that.

    Can you post a screenshot or a gif where I can see you tap the shuffle button in the header and you get the "Shuffle Songs" by default?



    My friend you are not the only one. I have been looking for an answer for this for three years now (see thread below). 

    In fact I came here today to see if this problem has finally been solved, but it looks like it hasn't. I'm also 50 something, maybe that does have something to do with it!

    I just don't get why it does this and it seems like it would be an easy fix...


  8. On 5/21/2021 at 12:56 AM, andrewilley said:

    I asked a while back if we could have an option to make those buttons on/off toggles, with a long-press action still available to select different modes. If implemented, that would mean tapping the Shuffle icon would set it to the last-used mode (in your case, Shuffle Songs), and tapping it again would turn it off. Would that achieve what you want?


    I think that might work for me. It would certainly be better than what there is now!

    I  just use "shuffle songs" and "shuffle off". I wish there was a way to make those the only shown options (like on iTunes).



  9. I know I'm dreaming but that would be amazing! That way I would not have to have two EQs at once (PA and Adapt Sound) and PA would be more accurate 

    Here's what adapt sound is if you've never used it ( https://www.nojitter.com/enterprise-insider/adapting-smartphone-sound-just-you )

    Try it if you haven't (it's kind of scary seeing how much my hearing has changed over these many years...). 


    Would also like an auto-EQ feature for calibrating the car stereo (sends white noise to speakers, picks up through mic, and adjusts EQ automatically). 

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