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Poweramp Equalizer Knowledge Base

База знаний Poweramp Equalizer




Everything posted by Osiris

  1. @andrewilley That makes sense. I also have tried casting local audio from VLC player (which I would imagine works similarly to Poweramp) and it is also working. Could the issue be caused by Poweramp being incompatible with the way my nest router switches between 5ghz and 2.4ghz? This might explain why it works some of the time. Any thoughts?
  2. @GeilerHeinz that's interesting. I have been thinking my Poweramp Chromecast issues may have something to do with my wifi settings. The problem is that I have a nest router and there's no separate 5ghz ssid nor is there a way to force it to connect to the 5ghz band. This makes me wonder if it works when it's connected to the 5ghz band and doesn't work when it's connected to the 2.4 band. @andrewilley @maxmp any thoughts?
  3. Ok I updated to the latest apk and can confirm it's still not working. Please let me know what you think I should try to fix this. Thanks.
  4. Oddly the play store isn't showing me that there's an update available. I'm wondering if this is because I installed the apk. Should I download the new apk?
  5. @Osiris Also, it looks like I'm using build 906-911. Do I need to uninstall then install the new build or can I install the new build over the current one I have? Thanks.
  6. @maxmp I have multiple devices (home, home max,ccwTV) and when it doesn't work for one it doesn't work for all of them. Also it does work some of the time for days at a time so I don't think it's something on my end with respect to access (correct me if I'm wrong). Then it seems to stop working randomly. I am not adjusting any settings in Poweramp or on my phone in general.
  7. @andrewilley HI Andre. I appreciate the response. I have sent logs to the support email. They told me to uninstall the app and unlocker from the play store and reinstall the apk directly from Poweramp. I did that with no luck. I also tried removing the unlocker app with no luck. This issue is very strange. Casting was working perfectly all week for me. Last night for seemingly no reason it stopped working and I can't get it to work again. I can also confirm that casting from other apps (SoundCloud, YouTube, etc.) is functioning normally. Please let me know what steps I can take or what information I can provide to help figure this out. Thanks.
  8. Sorry to hear you're having this same issue. Good luck getting support - I have been posting and emailing about this for over a year now and I'm just being ignored. It's very frustrating, especially as an early supporter of Poweramp.
  9. I'm running Poweramp on an LG V60. Sometimes I can cast and it will work for a few days but inevitablly will stop working for seemingly no reason. I hit the cast button and I can see my speakers but then there's no audio when I hit play. Help would be appreciated. Thank you.
  10. Hi I just want to follow up on this again. I hate to be a pest but I've had this issue for months and haven't been able to get a definitive reply. What's strange is that it will start working for a few days and then break again, seemingly without any rhyme or reason. It's especially frustrating because I bought all google cast speakers (as opposed to Sonos) so I could continue to use Poweramp and I haven't been able to reliably use them for months. Any assistance is greatly appreciated. Thanks.
  11. Hi just following up on this. Any chance this will be fixed?
  12. Hi Max Thanks for the response. I have the cast button and it connects to my devices but then there's no sound. In Poweramp the track will advance 1 second then start over from the same spot. What's strange is that I couldn't get it to for months until last week when it started working. As of this morning it's broken again.
  13. Sorry to keep being annoying and bringing this up. I had given up on this working but tried again last week and it worked as expected! It was working perfectly all week until I tried again this morning and it's broken again and behaving how it was before. Any thoughts on what fixed it and what broke it again?
  14. @andrewilley does that mean this is something that will be fixed in an update? Is there anything I can do to assist?
  15. Hi All, I want to bump this post. Last night my phone's OS updated and now I can no longer cast through Poweramp at all. It wasn't working consistently before but i had the workaround of turning my wifi on and off which usually got it going after one or two tries. That's not even working anymore. Any help would be really appreciated. I'm a longtime user and would really like to get this working. Also, no issues casting through any other apps.
  16. One thing I noticed today is that if I disconnect then reconnect to wifi casting works normally and stablely through Poweramp for some time. However, for some reason it will eventually go back to connecting to the speakers but not playing any music like I described above until I disconnect and reconnect to wifi again. Any help with this is greatly appreciated. Thanks again.
  17. @wotantx it was working yesterday for a little bit but it stopped again. I have high hopes that we can sort this out though.
  18. @wotantx it's odd because it was working perfectly on my previous phone.
  19. Thanks, Andre. Please see the screenshots attached. Also, it doesn't start the track from the beginning but let say's the track is 2 minutes and 17 seconds in when I cast - the wav form on the bottom of the player screen looks like it advances about 1 second but then it repeatedly returns to 2 mins and 17 seconds. The actual track time does not change from 2 mins and 17 seconds. I hope that makes sense. I will also send a log now.
  20. I should also add that the skipping happens with screen on or off.
  21. I also just added Poweramp/ unlocked to my battery optimization exception list with no change.
  22. Hi Andre - thanks for your reply. I can see the speakers in PA and when I select one and hit play the speaker makes the sound indicating that my phone has connected. However, when I hit play in PA no sound comes out. It looks like the song advances less than one second and then goes back to where it started. I have tried adjusting the sample rate/ format and buffer size with no change.
  23. It's strange because it worked fine on my previous phone.
  24. Hi All, I recently upgraded to an LGv60 from a v40. Ever since I got the new phone I can't Cast audio directly from Poweramp to any of my home speakers. I can cast all other apps and if I cast all of my phone's audio through Google home I can then play music from Poweramp and it works- but it's extremely unstable. What's also strange is that it does randomly work directly from Poweramp at times though there doesn't seem to be any pattern or explanation as to why it works sometimes and not other times. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
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