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  1. Try to set all settings to default. Helped at least for me on an Xiaomi Smartphone.
  2. Was off, I turned it on again after reset.
  3. I reset it, import back my EQ and Compressor settings, played a song to test my sound to be sure my settings are correctly back. Disconnect Bluetooth device (Spotify stopped playing) and rebooted the phone. Waiting 5 minutes to load all things running in the background of android and connected Bluetooth device and restarted Spotify to play my music (Bluetooth is always on for me).
  4. Yes I try it before but no effects at all. Let it scan for 2 hours. Only reset to default and a reboot of the phone worked for me. Export your settings from EQ and Compressor so you can easily import them back after default reset of PAE.
  5. Seems to be solved now. What I did was set the settings to default and reboot my phone. Reload my settings of the EQ and Compressor. Clicked through more than 100 songs in Spotify with Bluetooth on. No more maximum volume appears. Same with turning the compressor on and off many times. Funny sideffects, now YouTube Music is also working with Poweramp Equalizer. This seldom works before. So I like to say thank you for the nice conversation and help.
  6. Okay. Attack 49.0ms, Release 1.0ms, Compression Gain 3.7, Frequency 395, Trashold -42.9dB, Gain 21.1dB, Knee 20dB, Expander 10, Noise Gate -90dB, Pre-Gain 0.0dB sounds best for me. I'm using this settings for a long time. By the way, can't reproduce the maximum volume by turning on and off the compressor today. May just a glitch yesterday.
  7. Bluetooth absolut volume is off for all my Bluetooth devices. I like to control the volume with my phone and not only with the Bluetooth devices. Spotify Equalizer isn't activated at all. HyperOS Equalizer isn't available for Bluetooth and set to normal (default setting) and can't be changed at all. I disabled any other Equalizer like SpotiQ Ten and °Sound°Beautifier. Running latest Spotify version original from Play Store with premium service. Settings for Spotify within Poweramp Equalizer is set to default. I just figured out while playing with the settings in Poweramp Equalizer that the volume is also increasing randomly to maximum if the compressor is turned off and on again. I did that just a few times in a row and every now and then the volume switched to maximum (not the volume sliders, only the sound). Perhaps there is a bug in the compressor?
  8. So I disable DVC in the settings of Poweramp Equalizer and did some testing again. Problem isn't solved with disabled DVC. As I said, randomly the volume is going to the maximum when choosing a new song at a random playlist within Spotify. To reduce the volume to normal I have to press the lower volume button once and the volume bar of Android just goes one step lower. It isn't showing maximum volume while the sound is set to maximum volume. Haven't test it with wired headphones, just Bluetooth headphones and speaker. Tested again with phone speakers only and still can't reproduce the problem while listening with phone speaker only. I'm using Xiaomi Redmi Note 12 phone with Android 14 and HyperOS. Can't remember to have this problem with Android 13.
  9. The optical volume level bar isn't increase while the sound level is increased to the maximum. I give it a try with disabled DVC and do some further testing without DVC. Will give you more responses within the next few days. Thanks for the reply.
  10. I don't know if this is a bug of Poweramp Equalizer or Spotify or Android itself. The following problem happen only with Bluetooth Devices. I'm using actually Spotify only for playing music. It's working fine as long as I play my playlist(s). But after switching to an new Spotify Playlist to find new tracks the volume is increase to maximum very often after choosing a new track. I have to press the volume button to get back to the normal volume played before. It happens randomly but often. This only happens with Bluetooth devices connected. If I use the phone speaker it never happens at all. Can't reproduce this maximum volume bug with the phone speaker. As I said I don't know if it's an Spotify, Android or Poweramp Equalizer bug but looking for solutions.
  11. XEQ is nice but I recommend SpotiQ Ten. Or try °Sound° Beautifier Equalizer. Both of them ( PAE + SpotiQ Ten or PAE + °Sound° BE ) are also running smoothly together with Poweramp Equalizer. This combination is amazing.
  12. This happen to Xiaomi Phones with Android 14 too. So maybe a problem with Android 14 Perhaps with Android 15 this problem will be solved.
  13. Did you turn off the energy saving options for PA EQ as well as Spotify / YT Music?
  14. YT Music isn't really working good with Poweramp Equalizer. It's showing as a known Player but processing of the EQ is really seldom recognized. Personaly I don't care about it because I don't use YT Music much. I'm using Xiaomi HyperOS latest update on Android 14.
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