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Poweramp Knowledge Base

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Poweramp Equalizer Knowledge Base

База знаний Poweramp Equalizer




Everything posted by gawd

  1. Build: 976 Device: FiiO M11 Plus Android version: 10 Description: I have encountered this issue twice before where an extremely loud buzzing / static noise (almost like screeching) will interrupt the playing audio. The sound that plays is genuinely ear piecing and I don't doubt that it could damage your hearing or whatever is connected. This sound has only occurred while playing with a wired connection using a 3.5 aux, and seems to be somewhat uncommon. The first time experiencing this was when my M11 plus was connected to my sound system in my car about a week ago, and the second time with some wired headphones about an hour ago. I would have initially assumed this was a problem with my M11 plus but this seems to occur with any device I plug in. During the second time this "screeching noise" bug occurred I tried to do some testing to collect info about the problem. I tried playing a Youtube video after the loud sound started playing, and Youtube worked just fine. Switching back to PA would result in the loud noise continuing to play when I unpaused the music. Alongside this, it seems that the volume slider directly affects how loud the noise is, which leads me to believe this is a problem with PA rather than my M11 plus. Unfortunately, I don't have much info on how this sound happens to play in the first place. I wasn't doing anything with my player when the sound occurred in my car. During the second time this sound played, I was constantly dragging the play head back on the currently playing song while adjusting an EQ profile. I did some searching around and this thread from 2014 seems to most accurately describe the issue (it quite literally sounds like a 'sound from hell'). I can't really use PA anymore due to this as I can't risk having these blow out my speakers / headphones, or my ears.
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