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Poweramp Equalizer Knowledge Base

База знаний Poweramp Equalizer




Everything posted by nowhere

  1. This is also helpful for choosing what artist's songs you want to open. As of now (or in my limited knowledge) it automatically opens then 1st artist when we tap on "Artist" option of the song and there's no option to open songs of second/third artist.
  2. Yes the tap feature on that particular thing say artist name or album will open all the artist songs & albums respectively. This can be modified to include other things also according to the formatting which you desire which will have the impact corresponding to that field; say if composer name is added that then tapping on composer field will open all songs of the composer which would otherwise take few more taps to open. But my main concern is only about artist name & album. About the text being long for scrolling, first of all for 90% of the songs the album artist-album name fits into the given area and for the remaining 10% you may allow it to scroll (or not), but this scrolling is continous and in most cases the aritst name will still be visible (though incomplete) for us to be able to tap on it. About mis-taps, I think the album name, artist name in most cases cover sufficient are to neglect and mis-tap; and the text on which we have to tap on in not that large to gather mis-taps. For more clarity about how this work, you can see oto music player or retro music player; they have the feature of tapping on the artist name to show all songs by the singer. I don't include multiple artist tap support on that and also no album tap support. Or Youtube music has mutiple artist tap support
  3. Tap on artists, album name on the player interface to directly open songs of that artist/album without tapping on the more options (three dots) and then selecting album or artist to look into. Like here in the pic a tap on 1st name will open songs by ZAYN, 2nd = Taylor Swift, 3rd = Album Name. In case the album name is large like here, there can be option to stop the automatic scrolling of the combines "artist name - album name"
  4. I am using Luminous Black Theme and I am getting this giant circle whenever I try to fast forward it by dragging or simple tapping on the seekbar. Does anyone know how to turn it off. It only happens when I use line seekbar and not when I use wave seekbar
  5. I was just wondering if this now playing queue is on the to do list of the devs or its just off the table currently? I think this is the very basic of the basic things about a music player. I was surprised to see that Poweramp which is very overpowered is lacking such a basic thing. The idea for now playing queue is to remove the songs in the queue which you don't want to listen, currently queue feature can add what songs you want to listen but now playinf queue is important for the songs that we don't want to listen say for the next 15 songs which are going to play
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