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  1. This is precisely why other media apps have an option to ignore My suggestion, an option to ignore unless Poweramp window is open or notification is active. Or an option to ignore after hitting pause/stop after a user specified timeout
  2. I think "skip any BT commands for xx seconds after connection" is a very good idea to try to solve this issue. I don't think it does much for the other issue I was having though (accidental press starts PA even when app is not active). I was able to work around it by having tasker intercept the command and close PA if the notification was not present. I basically monitor logcat for "Zenith_SppRecvThread RECV++: FD" then check for the notification. If NOT present, I use the PA API to stop the service. It works because it is able to check for the notification before PA launches itself. Then once it launches, I guess it sees the API command and stops. I'll hear music for about a second before it stops. An option in PA to ignore BT if notification is not active would be nice too.
  3. Thus, eventhough it is disabled, I don't think it has anything to do with the described problem (bluetooth device automatically trying to play/resume audio on connect). Many others seem to have this issue, I know your response is that Poweramp is just responding to bluetooth commands. I don't know why it causes Poweramp to come back from the dead and start playing. Maybe because the signal tries all my media apps and because all of my other apps have an option to ignore this, it settles on your app which does not have the option. I don't know why it plays eventhough I have "respond to buttons" turned off. Regardless, it's still and issue. Anyways, I'll again propose a feature/option to ignore bluetooth unless notification is active.
  4. I see the PlayerService RESUME command and the log. All the bluetooth menu options except (pause on disconnect) are disabled. In Audio Focus, All are disabled (except short audio focus change/calls and permanent audio focus change) In Equalizer, all options are disabled in the Utils menu Does "resume on bluetooth" mean Poweramp will start playing on connect? or does disabling mean it will actively ignore requests right after connecting? I assume it is the former. Many cars try to autoresume. It's to the point that most apps seems to have a "ignore resume on connect" option. I had another post where I was noting the similar behavior when I accidentally press the button on my earbud. Unless another app is in actively in the foreground, somehow Poweramp will get launched and start playing. I wish there were options to ignore bluetooth press unless app is in foreground or notification is active. Unfortunately, this and only this app starts itself even when I have "respond to buttons" unchecked. Speaking of equalizer, I ask a question (in another thread two weeks ago) but never got a response. In regular Poweramp, I can set equalizer settings based on device. How do I do this in equalizer? Basically I want to do the same but for other music apps, not just Poweramp. Also, if I have Poweramp eq settings and Poweramp equalizer, how do I know which is used when playing Poweramp?
  5. I am having this issue too. I even tried turning off "respond to buttons" and the app seems to start itself and start playing. No other media I have did this most apps have an option to ignore this
  6. In regular Poweramp, I can set equalizer settings based on device. For example I want specific settings for my earbuds but different for phone speakers or my car. How do I do this in equalizer? Basically I want to do the same but for other music apps, not just Poweramp Also, if I have Poweramp eq settings and Poweramp equalizer, how do I know which is used when playing Poweramp?
  7. Strange, today it didn't work at all even with Poweramp in the foreground and everything else closed. But it works with Google podcasts and mx player. ================== 07:32:29.129 BTReceiver headset event connection BT=true am mode=0 Galaxy Buds2 Pro ================== 07:34:43.853 PSAudioFocusHelper AUDIOFOCUS_LOSS IGNORE !playing ================== 07:34:52.683 PlayerService TOGGLE_PLAY_PAUSE from NotificationHelperViaBuilder resumePlaying ================== 07:34:53.636 PlayerService TOGGLE_PLAY_PAUSE from NotificationHelperViaBuilder pausePlaying ================== 07:34:57.165 PSAudioFocusHelper AUDIOFOCUS_LOSS IGNORE !playing
  8. I don't use the beep option either. I mainly use Google podcasts and Poweramp. I notice if I start podcasts then closer it, the button will still trigger Poweramp. I notice they the button will only resume your app (opening the app) whereas my other apps don't seem to do this. Is your app doing something that is more "aggressive"? Or maybe a feature to only respond when in the foreground or if the notification is active?
  9. Keep service is already disabled but not keep notifications. I tried doing that but it made no difference. Here is the log When connecting the Bluetooth 09:46:24.261 BTReceiver headset event connection BT=true am mode=0 Galaxy Buds2 Pro ================== 09:46:24.695 PlayerService onRoutingChanged newDevice=bt oldDevice=speaker ================== 09:46:24.695 PlayerService reloadPipeline allowPlaying=true forceResume=false state after reload=2 Pressing the button ================== 09:46:35.504 PSMediaButtonReceiver android.intent.action.MEDIA_BUTTON KEYCODE_MEDIA_PLAY ACTION_DOWN name=Virtual source=0x0 sources=0x301 virt=true repeat=0 actionTime=138907376 sourcePak=com.android.bluetooth isAvrcp flags=0x0 playerState=2 ================== 09:46:35.510 PSMediaButtonReceiver android.intent.action.MEDIA_BUTTON KEYCODE_MEDIA_PLAY ACTION_UP name=Virtual source=0x0 sources=0x301 virt=true repeat=0 actionTime=138907382 sourcePak=com.android.bluetooth isAvrcp flags=0x0 playerState=2 ================ == 09:46:35.525 PlayerService RESUME from PSMediaButtonReceiver resumePlaying
  10. I have a samsung galaxy buds 2 pro. If I have "respond to buttons" enabled in the app, it response to buttom presses fine. However, even when the app is off, if I press the button it will usually startup the app and start playing. Sometimes this happens even if I'm listening to something in another app. Is there a way to disable this? Unchecking "respond to buttons" works but then it doesnt work while playing a song. I want to be able to start/stop/skip a song while I'm using the app but not if its closed. I realize sometimes apps stick around for a while, maybe don't response anymore if the song is paused for more than a certain amount of time (15min?) I do have the setting for it to pause if I disconnect the bluetooth.
  11. I've been using the Galaxy buds plus with no issue while using your app. Touch controls work fine. I just switched to the buds 2 and the Bluetooth touch controls don't seem to work at all. When I look at "Last commands", it's blank. They work fine with all other apps I've tried, just not Poweramp I didn't change any settings.
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