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  1. Would that also mean if there is an album full of tracks which haven't been played at all. They will all be played in succession/ordered?
  2. I have a doubt regarding how Less Random shuffles music. On Poweramp it says it prefers least played tracks and other shuffled items. What I infer from this is it'll pick tracks which haven't been played recently or to put it in short Least Recently Played tracks are the first preference for this shuffle algorithm. Now I have a doubt suppose I've set my Randomization to Less Random (the slider fully to the left) if I include new albums into my library would it aggressively play all the tracks from the album since they haven't been played recently at all. Or is there some sort of a gap between tracks from the same album which haven't been played at all?
  3. I've attached four images from Musicolet showing what I meant exactly... Perhaps this could fix up some misunderstandings? You can see how the structure of the songs are same but all the albums are shuffled in Queue.
  4. @andrewilley I assume the playlist/queue works only if there are files already present in the library? perhaps Poweramp could just read the albums the song belongs to and just shuffle the albums only instead of shuffling all (song+albums)?
  5. @andrewilley So I assume it's not possible for now to replicate shuffle by categories for queues/playlists? or was my explanation a bit harder to come by?
  6. I assume it's not possible to sort playlists/queue based on categories? Perhaps some sort of limitation...? As Musicolet achieved this with their Advanced Shuffle option in which it can sort playlists with categories (only shuffle album) when adding the playlist to the queue or when there already exists a list of songs in queue.
  7. Sorry for not elaborating, I'll try to explain my use case here... So I have a playlist full of random songs from different albums let's say Album A, B and C and each of them have 5 tracks in them. When I add the playlist to queue and click on the shuffle button it shuffles everything in the sense my 1st song will be from Album A, then 4th song Album C, and so on... instead what I want is first play all 5 tracks from Album A and then switch to Album C which contains all my 5 tracks and then the same for Album B. Basically shuffle by categories. Poweramp only shuffles the albums if you put all the albums into the queue. If I use my playlist then click on shuffle by category it only goes systemically for example Album A all five tracks, Album B all five tracks and so on... the albums aren't shuffled here.
  8. Poweramp already has the option to shuffle only categories but that only works when you have all the albums in the Queue and then switch to shuffle-only categories where it plays the whole album and changes to a random album. Musicolet has already implemented this option so I was wondering if Poweramp could do the same. I have a playlist with different tracks from different albums and I would like to shuffle only categories but unfortunately, it only supports shuffling every track from every album so basically shuffling all songs.
  9. Hey I've just found this post and could replicate the same issue with my FiiO BTR5, Just wanted to point out but it looks like MusicFX was the issue for me when enabling DVC. Whenever I go to the DVC setting page the audio changes and plays as intended but when I exit that same page the audio changes and becomes a bit quieter. Disabling MusicFX as I was using Wavelet before to control System-wide EQ for Poweramp seemed to fix the issue as now I don't seem to have that issue of the audio drastically changing with the DVC option enabled. Now my setup is basically configuring a separate EQ for Poweramp and once I exit Poweramp I can switch back to Wavelet... Not sure if this is maybe a placebo effect or something is genuinely wrong from my side...?
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