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Darrell Bircsak

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  1. Yes, I understand. I was just saying: this other app has flashy graphics. Maybe they are changing the "rules" for having flashy graphics? If they haven't changed it yet, then I understand why your hands are bound. Re-reading Google AA guidelines, it looks like they did not update/change the "no animated elements" requirement.
  2. Hello! Sorry for digging up an old post. I recently saw this video where a car is displaying TONS of flashy animated graphics and it made me think of my request from a year ago. Perhaps times are a changing?? https://old.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/1997irg/imagine_this_on_autobahn/
  3. I see here is the rules Google has for AA: Android app quality for cars | Android Developers
  4. Understood. I love your app, and I love being legal. Thanks for answering the "why" of what's going on. Maybe one day, when the car is in Park, Visualization can happen.
  5. I'm not saying be non-Play, nor go against safety laws. I just asked if we could have Visualization. If the answer is: no the API doesn't allow, or that's against safety laws, then that's fine. I was just asking.
  6. Aw, that's too bad. Here's a video of someone hooking up YouTube to Android Auto: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1a4SdgbTOYo You have to understand car culture. People love to add lights to their cars, etc. If you added this, I guarantee you it would make the news or be shown in a car ad. Plus... people with cars usually have money they like to throw at stuff that makes their car cool.
  7. It would be the bee's knees if I could turn on a Visualization and have it display on my car display behind the album art. That would be sooo cool. Not sure if that's even possible though. Don't know if Bluetooth can transmit that quickly.
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