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Michal Pospíchal

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Poweramp Equalizer Knowledge Base

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Everything posted by Michal Pospíchal

  1. This! Thanks, disabling the Android Auto options helped. Had exactly the same issue as OP with my Yamaha RX-D485 Recevier, song info was basically lagging 1 song behind - it started in sync, then second song did not change, and the third and any other was updated, but with song info -1. It started just few updates back, so whatever was changed recently is not correct. I do not use Android Auto, but if I was, wondering what would be the possibilities here, to have AA options turned on but have lagging song info anywhere else, or sacrifice AA?
  2. Implementing the analysis of the song by Poweramp is actually unnecessarily overcomplicated and I reckon it would take a lot more time to implement. What I find the most annoying is the Fade-In effect of the next song, I could live with Fade-out of the old one, although even that could be removed. In Foobar I use SqrSoft crossfader, and I simply set it to start crossfade at -20dB of the old song, and thats it. It works exceptionally well, be it abrupt ending song or naturally gradually fading-out song, if the songs are matching bpm sometimes it is even impossible to spot the song switch. So the only thing that would be necessary to implement would be the option to remove artificial fade-out/fade-in, and add the option to select the old song dB threshold to start crossfade. Heck even just adding the option to not fade-in the new song would be fine with me, as it is hands down the most annoying thing in Poweramp for me, and frankly the only one. And that should be pretty easy to add I hope.
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