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Posts posted by AmpooTwibbit

  1. I think everyone in this discussion is neither entirely right nor entirely wrong. First off, other media players do not necessarily "work this way":

    1. Some media players and apps only use [track] artist ... and will therefore split albums incorrectly based on the metatag utilization recommendation above. This is why I use, e.g., [track] artist = Various Artists and album artist = Someone Specific ... I get broader compatibility.
    2. One of the examples given, the Sony NW-A40 series player allows you to choose which artist tag to aggregate albums around, it certainly does not force album artist the way it is being suggest here ... and yes, the player aggregates albums successful when [track] artist = Various Artists or whatever.

    I think there is in fact an issue with the way the [Android] Poweramp app aggregates when [track] artist is selected from the Library screen. When I select this this option, I expect albums to be aggregated around album + [track] artist. They are not ... the album splits by album artist, although these splits are clusted together irrespective of the alphabetical order of the album order. You could argue that this makes sense to some extent, but it is nevertheless not the way one would expect it function.

    The reality is, I don't think there is an ISO standard here. But I do expect a player I use to aggregate in a way that is intuitive and contributes to my enjoyment of the music, not in a way that results in frustration.

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