Cast your Votes for New Poweramp Features
The most-voted features will be prioritized for development, and will have a higher chance to be seen in upcoming Poweramp builds. More complex requests will naturally take longer to be implemented, while relatively minor features may be added in the meantime.
48 ideas
7 votesVoting
List Header Play/Shuffle Icons should respect List Item Click Action setting
Cast your Votes for New Poweramp Features
Make the 'Play' and 'Shuffle' icons at the top of lists respect the user's choice of 'List Item Click Action', for example opening the Player Screen when playback commences if that's what the user has chosen.
10 votesVoting
Place 'Unknown' items at end of Category Lists rather than sorting as 'U'
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Show the 'Unknown' category entries ("Unknown Album", "Unknown Genre", etc) at the end of each Category list, as an appendix-style entry, rather than filing them under 'U'.
48 votesVoting
Indicate any Playlists which contain this song via the Info/Tags screen
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In the Info/Tags screen, list any Playlists for which the current song is a member. Allow tapping on a Playlist name to go straight to the relevant view (same way as happens with Artist, Album, etc link).
62 votesVoting
Separator breaks (sub-headers) in relevant Category/Song Lists
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Include separator breaks (sub-headers) in appropriate list layouts, such as Disc# breaks within Album lists, Year headers when sorted By Year, and "Today", "Yesterday", "Last Week", "Last Month", etc when sorted by Date Added / Modified [ LINK ]
16 votesVoting
Settings>Audio>Output submenu hierarchy improvements
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Improve the usability of the Settings=>Audio=>Output menu, so you first see a list of physical devices (Speaker, Wired Headset/AUX, USB DAC, Bluetooth, Chromecast) and then underneath each device you select what audio method you wish to use for it (OpenSL ES, AudioTrack, Hi-Res, etc). The current method of choosing the method first, and then selecting what devices should use it, seems counter-intuitive and trips up some new users.
45 votesVoting
Library Category top-level reordering
Cast your Votes for New Poweramp Features
Allow changing the order of master Category items for the top-level Library view (using thumb sliders to move items up and down in the List Options menu).
13 votesVoting
Playback of user's Cloud-stored Content
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Library access to users' cloud sources (e.g. playing your music from Google Drive, Dropbox, or other online locations).
Technical limitations:
access to such sources won't support all Poweramp Library features as it's not feasible to scan large music collection for tags over network. The access will be implemented for Folders/Folders Hierarchy/Playlist categories only. -
35 votesVoting
'Smart' Album/Track option in Replay Gain
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Add a 'Smart' option in Replay Gain menu, so Album Gain is automatically applied when listening to Albums, but Track Gain is used when listening to All Songs, Playlists, Queue, etc.
9 votesVoting
Pitch Changing (including 432Hz retuning, etc)
Cast your Votes for New Poweramp Features
Pitch changing in addition to the current Tempo feature (e.g. for 432Hz re-tuning). [ LINK1 LINK2 LINK3 ]
NOTE: this will be combined with higher quality overall pitch and tempo processing
49 votesVoting
Segue / "Radio" Crossfade
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Segue / "Radio" Crossfade option (to prevent crossfades occurring which fade across abrupt endings or hard-starts of songs). Also increase available length for crossfades.
49 votesVoting
Dynamic Normalise
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Dynamic Normalise feature (to automatically raise and lower the volume on-the-fly as songs play - not just a per-track gain adjustment like the existing ReplayGain).
NOTE: this is inferior to the Replay Gain feature:
41 votesVoting
Replay Gain Scanning
Cast your Votes for New Poweramp Features
Provide Replay Gain scanning right in Poweramp
Technical limitations:
scanning may take time for the larger collections, but it can be optimized to run only when connected to power -
49 votesVoting
'Favourites' Library Category
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'Favourites' Library Category, where you would be able to add your own selections either as individual songs or Category items (such as a folder, an album, a playlist, etc) by long-pressing within the Library views. Should be possible to manually re-order and/or remove items. [ LINK LINK ]
44 votesVoting
'Queue Only' mode
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'Queue Only' mode, where playback occurs only as songs are added into the Queue, and there is no return back to a "complete-Library" system based on listening by Category. [ LINK ]
NOTE: this feature is close enough or can be combined with this feature:
1 voteVoting
Add user-definable Articles (e.g. language variants for "A", "An", "The", etc)
Cast your Votes for New Poweramp Features
Add user-definable Article wording (e.g. support for users to ignore "The", "An", "A" in their own languages).
48 votesVoting
yyyy-mm-dd dates
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Support for reading and sorting yyyy-mm-dd dates instead of just Year. Should apply to long-format TYER tags, but also need to check if TDAT is present. No need to display full mm-dd data, just use it for better sorting accuracy.
72 votesVoting
Improved statistics
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Statistics via a Library item (total songs/albums/artists with durations, overall play count this week/month, etc) [ LINK1 LINK2 LINK3 ]
69 votesVoting
Smart / Dynamic Playlists
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Smart / Dynamic Playlists (support for wildcards in folder/filenames in M3U playlists, auto-filtering, and updating of lists ' on the fly' by pre-defined criteria) [ LINK1 LINK2 LINK3 ]
32 votesVoting
More Sorting Options for Category List views
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More category sorting options, such as Genres>Artists>Albums>songs or Artists>Albums-by-Year>songs-by-Track#. Also for Playlists/Queue, Re-Sort by path/filename, by Artist>Album>Track#, and allow simple Reverse to invert the current order. [ LINK1 LINK2 LINK3 ]
102 votesVoting
'Now Playing' List View
Cast your Votes for New Poweramp Features
'Now Playing' list view, showing a flat scrollable list of the history of what has been played so far, and upcoming planned tracks (not editable, but tappable to change to a new position in the long list). [ LINK1 LINK2 ]
39 votesVoting
Lyric Editing (save back to file)
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Allow editing of embedded Lyric data via the Info/Tags Editor. Also support auto-display of Lyrics (if present) on the main Player Screen - e.g. overlaid over the Album Art area. [ LINK ]
88 votesPlanned
Customizable Player Screen Buttons (i.e. change Visualization, Sleep, etc to different controls)
Cast your Votes for New Poweramp Features
Allow editing the functionality of the four icons below the cover area: Viz/Sleep/Repeat/Shuffle [ LINK1 LINK2 ]
9 votesVoting
Options to save DSP/etc values in EQ Presets
Cast your Votes for New Poweramp Features
Provide tickboxes in the Save/Assign feature in the Equalizer screen to specify which items to store in the preset - EQ, Tone, Preamp, Balance, Tempo, StereoX, Reverb, etc [ LINK LINK LINK ]