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How to add playlist?

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Okay, I've added playlist in the past (total of 6 now) but I want to add a few more and can't find how to do it. Seems to me it was a menu item but I've tried menus in the playlist page and all through the player and library. None offers me the option to add a playlist. So how do I do it? I thought about tryint to add a playlist in the stock android player to see if it would show up in Poweramp but it won't let me add one either.

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Playlists are added the same way as in other android players - i.e. when you're adding some songs to playlist, playlist selection dialog is shown with first item - Add New Playlist.


Okay, I get that, and have added playlists to the "folder playlists" but how do you ad playlists to the "playlists" folder? Does that make sence?

And, how can you just play songs in 1 playlist? ie: Myfav in "folder playlists'?

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You can play songs from playlist the same, unified way you can play any list in PowerAMP.


- by selecting any song from the list - playing starts from this song

- by using "select all" menu or main menu -> play all/shuffle all will play contents of the list (list can be filtered)

- by pressing right arrow on the list item itself (in parent list view) or long pressing the list to get menu -> play all/shuffle all will play the list.


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