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Poweramp Remote also for PebbleOS ?


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High everybody here in the Poweramp-Forum.

I am very new here, but use the great application "Poweramp Full Version" since more than three years, not only every day, but every hour !!!

It is definitely the best music player, I can immagine !!

I use - and used - it with several Android-Devices: Samsung Galaxy 3, Galaxy S2, Galaxy Tab 7.7, Galaxy S5 Mini and - reasently - with Galaxy Note 8.0 N 5120.

And I also use the app "Poweramp-Sony-Smartwatch" to controll my android devices by the Smartwatch 2 from Sony. 

Now I think about buying a Pebble Smartwatch, which runs under PebbleOS ( is an outspring of "FreeRTOS") - and generally works together with AndroidOS.

My question: Is there any application available like Poweramp Remote to use Poweramp together with a Pebbel-Watch, connected with my Android Devices ? Would it be possible to control the Poweramp-Musicplayer by the Pebble-Watch

Saint-Ex, Germany

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