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A2DP Pause


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Greetings. I noticed there are some A2DP settings in power amp. I am running Poweramp on an HTC Inspire. When I pause power amp from the HTC and then power on my bluetooth headset, Poweramp will resume playing on the headset (as expected). When I turn off the headset, Poweramp pauses for about 1 second then resumes playing out of the HTC speaker. Is there any way to make it pause and keep it paused without pausing it directly on the HTC?

I would like to turn on the bluetooth headset, have Poweramp resume playing then when I turn off the bluetooth headset, have Poweramp pause.

Any ideas.

Overall good product. Just need to figure this out.


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Guest admin1317926123


PowerAMP won't resume playing after bt disconnection unless there is explicit Connection event generated by something for unknown reason. Some radio apps are known to generate such event. There is no way to distinguish such generated event from real one, so you may need to disable Resume on connection feature at all or try to uninstall/disable other apps which produces such events.


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Poweramp won't resume playing after bt disconnection unless there is explicit Connection event generated by something for unknown reason. Some radio apps are known to generate such event. There is no way to distinguish such generated event from real one, so you may need to disable Resume on connection feature at all or try to uninstall/disable other apps which produces such events.


Thanks for the reply.

I figured it out. The "headset" I am using is Ford Sync bluetooth. I found that if I have "pause on BT headset disconnect" set in Poweramp checked, when I turn off the vehicle it pauses then un-pauses and starts playing through the HTC speaker (which I didn't want). If I DISABLE the "pause on Bt headset disconnect" in Poweramp, I get the desired behavior. Even with that unchecked, when I turn off my truck, it pauses correctly. All is well.

Is there something OS wide that is and sending the pause command? Since I had it checked in Poweramp, it was acknowledging the pause/unpause command 2wice thus resuming playing when I didn't want.

Thanks again.

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