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Poweramp quits when headphone is still plugged to the phone


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Hi all,


I have been using Poweramp on my android samsung S3 for some months and it has been excellent except for a few features.


1. I usually use my headphone to listen. When I plug in the headphone Poweramp starts automatically, and when I plug it out it pauses and quits. Both features are perfectly fine for me. The problem is when I listen by folders (i.e. inside one folder there are several songs by a particular artist), when the last song ends Poweramp will quit even if my headphone is still plugged to the phone. Is there a way to fix it/get around it?


2. I find the "most-played" counter to be unstable. I have one song suddenly jumped to 19 times when i actually listened to it twice (definitely no repeat). The counter works correctly when i am listening by "queue", but not when i am listening by "folder". My observation is that counter counts are related to the number of time one switched on or off the app. And there is no way to reset the counter unless you do a rescan. Again, is there a fix somewhere?


Thanks in advance.



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