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Hi there,

Nice program lots of useful features, thanks for your work, filtering algorythmes are a bit weak but they kinda work okay. Look up for the korg algos they work a treat. Anyway my request is today about a possibility of getting a memorize function on the eq's and stuff, I'm using Poweramp in my car over long distances and love that shuffle button. The main problem is I have to ride the eq all the time as most songs has a very differant sound and volume level. Can you make every tweek page with a save button that prompts you to apply to all songs in directory? Also a volume boost fader would be most welcome too as a lot of mp3s are poorly mastered therefore lots of headroom to play with. And even better, a compressor/expander that keeps thee volumes equal would be ideal. However a manual boost button that operates on the full range on top would be excellent.

Another thing can you make Poweramp to autoduck the sound when another app sends a notification, or the navigation voice instead of just being mixed in, it would be so good..

There you go, hope this helps.


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