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Poweramp iBroadcast integration


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I have been using Poweramp with my big music library on my phone for a long time because i like to navigate on my own library and i really love this app. Thanks for the devs!

Unfortunately phone manufacturers are more and more removing expandable storage on flagship phones these days and i think this is a trend that will continue. And the worst is that their new phones are not able to compensate for the loss of microsd storage. (I had a compact Samsung S10 phone with 512 internal storage + 1TB microSD, the compact vanilla S23 is only available with 256GB...).

But new phones also have other arguments, so i will finally jump on a new one and lose the ability to have my own library (>1TB) with big regrets.

So i looked at alternatives, and the best i could find is the iBroadcast service which allows to store on cloud your own library without storage limitations, and with the possibility to play lossless formats. This seems good for me and it's pretty efficient, but the problem is that the app is pretty terrible, especially on mobile. It looks horrible in comparison with Poweramp and i don't like the ergonomy for navigating thru albums.

But by chance, iBroadcast just released a public API in order to use the cloud content with third party apps! https://devguide.ibroadcast.com/

I know there already demands for cloud storage integrations in the "Frequently requested features" list, but what's interesting with iBroadcast is that their API integrates music library management and streaming features, it's not just a cloud storage!

Could we hope to get an iBroadcast support thru Poweramp player? This would be a very powerful feature for Poweramp on phones with storage limitations! What do you think?


Edited by j.mrtns
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