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Play Music From NAS


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  • 6 months later...


depends on your device. You need to mount your external drive. How to do this use google. But you need root access to your device. I use the new acer iconia a510 (Android 4) without root access and I didn`t manage yet.

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  • 1 year later...

The hack of mounting (Cifs) a network location is not good for many reasons.

Besides, it does not work in most not-english cases. "Cifs Mount" does not like characters with accents. E.g. á é í ó ú, or the spanish "ñ". Any folder or file including any of these characters (including french and other languages characters) will be broken, and Poweramp will not be able to navigate into these folders nor play those files.


Poweramp should support network paths natively, without the need of performing unnatural mounts (which btw can also be made on rooted devices).

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  • 3 weeks later...


not yet possible to play flac files stored in my WD My Cloud ?

I have Android 4.2.2 anf HTC One.


Presently I use RockPlayer2.


But I believe Poweramp can produce more detailed sound, especially for classical music.





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