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On long tracks, when the track is switched (next/prew), the player remembers the position in track, but the event "com.maxmpz.audioplayer.TRACK_CHANGED" returns the pos=0 (real position<>0 in track)

Example: A Track duration 870 minutes, playing 300 minutes. Press Next - playng next B track on 0 position. Press Prew - PA pesume playing A  track on 300 minutes. API send intent TRACK_CHANGED, "pos=0", must be "pos=18000"

if (action.equals("com.maxmpz.audioplayer.TRACK_CHANGED")) {
                Bundle mCurrentTrack = intent.getBundleExtra("track");
                duration = mCurrentTrack.getInt("dur") * 1000;
                position = mCurrentTrack.getInt("pos") * 1000;

02-27 17:43:01.880 D/xposed-mtc-vwcat-pa( 4034): Poweramp: com.maxmpz.audioplayer.TRACK_CHANGED
02-27 17:43:01.881 D/xposed-mtc-vwcat-pa( 4034): id=28
02-27 17:43:01.881 D/xposed-mtc-vwcat-pa( 4034): title=Antenne Vorarlberg 2000er Hits (128 Kbps)_00001
02-27 17:43:01.881 D/xposed-mtc-vwcat-pa( 4034): album=
02-27 17:43:01.881 D/xposed-mtc-vwcat-pa( 4034): artist=
02-27 17:43:01.881 D/xposed-mtc-vwcat-pa( 4034): filename=/mnt/usb_storage2/Antenne Vorarlberg 2000er Hits (128 Kbps)_00001.mp3
02-27 17:43:01.881 D/xposed-mtc-vwcat-pa( 4034): duration=52142000
02-27 17:43:01.881 D/xposed-mtc-vwcat-pa( 4034): position=0

PA last version, Andriod 5.1.1, Head Car Unit

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