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A song of praise

Major Tom

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I have been using Poweramp v2 for many years. At home, at work, in the car, everywhere I listen to music using this wonderful music player. I always had some problems with gapless on my Moto G5 and my music library on a SD card, but that was bearable. Now my phone has been updated to Android 8.1 and the integration of Poweramp v2 into the new GUI didn't work properly anymore.

So I decided to install V3. And what should I say? I am excited! What's all the crying about in the forum or in the revenues? Is it only because you've got an update that looks different?
You can argue about taste, but for me it is fact:

  • The new GUI is superfluid. More fluid than v2
  • It fits much better into the GUI of the OS
  • The handling much better
  • The settings are cleaner
  • The sound is still awesome (using DVC)!
  • The sound can theoretically be even better with OpenSL ES Hi-res
  • And above all: I got the update for free, although the developer could have built and sold a completely new app

Many, many thanks @maxmp for the new version of Poweramp. I really appreciate it! And I am sure that many others see it the same way!

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