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modular widgets for TABs

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it would be nice to have a widget's with the following:

only Album art (eg just a picture frame that show the album art), preferably resizeable with various launchers.

control buttons eg. large play/pause button, prev and next. would be nice to have them as resizeable with different launchers. I know there already buttons like this but something Built for power amp would be nice.

separate volume widget and effects widget.

Basicly I have a Galaxy 7" Tab that spends part of its life as an in care player. the above widgets would allow for layouts across multiple screens.

EG. player controls and album art on one screen and EQ sliders on another.

Larger play and pause buttons for easer in car access and general use.

ps, i love the App very good and well worth the money paid for it

removes the need to run from with in the app wile driving.

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