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Poweramp is going in the right direction but, this must be done:


"3/6" dissapeared?

1.  In the song main menu when we press in the song info that appers small and looks like this "44.1KHZ 320kbps mp3" we can change several info, in the past we could choose to see the track position of the list for example 4/10 or 3/7 depending of the current track and total songs of the list, this feature cant be lost in this new release.

-3:34 remaining time per track and album/list

2. We can see the time of the song but we cant see the remaining time of the song, when we touch the time it should swith to remaining time, and start to decrinate to cero, for example a 2 min song should show -2:00 at the begging of the song and end in 0:00. By touching again return to the mode it works currently.

Total list time is: 7h:45min:7sec

3. Totaltime of the playlists we create and also totaltime of folders and subfolders we have, common this is easy and usuful max you can, this could be shown next to the song counter of the folders.

4. Playlists should have a mode like "eliminate song from playlist after listening it". This is something we have been waiting for a long time.

I know Poweramp improve a lot in the view, but we need core changes, its not all about looks.


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