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Folders View and Queue


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The website says about the interface: "Folders list can show either plain list of folders with music or folders hierarchy – select the mode which suits your best via menu => List Opts" However, I cannot find any "List Opts" in the menu, nor any apparent way to navigate my music via a folders interface to choose which songs to play. I would appreciate any more detailed instructions on how to view my music in a folder and subfolder view.

Also, when playing several songs in a row, is it possible to view and/or edit the queue of songs? For example, I'd like to select a folder and add all songs in that folder to a queue to be played, and possibly later add a second folder to the end of the queue, delete a song from the queue, move forward in the queue, etc. That would be helpful when listening both to music as well as to books on tape. I believe such actions would be different from working with a "playlist", but would appreciate clarification on this.

Thanks for any clarification you can offer.


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