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Suggestion for sorting songs


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I used many players for android, no one is as powerful as Poweramp. But I think it will be more convenient if it has some features of sorting .

The songs in the playlist created by users or automatically by the players(such as highest ranked, most played, last played, etc) should be able to sorted by track name, album, artist, added date(the date that the song is added to library), played times, etc. Sorting manually as before is also needed.

In this case, having the features of rating(I know it is in progress), its corresponding auto playlist"higest ranked", counting played times and its corresponding playlist "most played"(the entries should have a limit,e.g.30) are required . Those features could be implemented by the custom tag of "rating" and "play_counter", for example.

PS: I know the features of lyrics is in progress, but I also has a suggestion: supporting to display the lyrics in "lyrics" tag of the song file(embedded lyrics).Also, if in there is a colum bar of alphabet displayed at the right side of list menu, it will be more convienent to allocate a song.


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