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Rally Kalle

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Posts posted by Rally Kalle

  1. 6 hours ago, flyingdutchman said:

    @Rally Kalle when you import settings from a backup made on a different device, you need to reset the music folder access of course as the path and folder locations in your backup no longer apply.


    5 hours ago, andrewilley said:

    I assume you exported the original settings file OK from your old device - using PA Settings > Export Settings ? It should be named <date-time>.Poweramp-settings

    On recent Android versions you need to give permission for an app to access some storage areas. Once permission has been granted, you should be able to import your saved settings file. Or you can simply move the file - using a File Explorer app or USB connection - to internal storage (even using PA's own storage folder Android/data/com.maxmpz.audioplayer/files/ if you like) and PA will definitely be able to access it.

    As @flyingdutchman has already said, also remember to adjust (and grant access) the storage location for your music on the new device, using PA Settings > Library > Music Folders.


    Its named  "last.Poweramp-settings",

    it worked to browse SD-card after granting access , thank you both




  2. Im originally Kloppstock on this board and i have as much as 78! :O recent posts, but now i logged in wrong...anyway i expect andrewilley to answer me as usual ;)

    Im gonna transfer my old settings to a new phone. I only have a SD-card inserted into the reciever phone right now if thats okay?

    I have copied the "last.Poweramp-settings" file into the music folder on the SD-card

    But the import function makes it wery hard for me when it only offering to browse inside the none exisiting phone folder "latest"  where the file does not appear  as you can see below

    I have tested uploading the file "last.Poweramp-settings" to google drive, but it is filtered out and do not appear.

    Why cant this be made simply old school instead of the below 2021 update



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