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  1. True, that is why you flatten it first and then color it using the equaliser. Briliant solution since buying a new headphone will just use a new profile to flatten it and keep your personal sound preferences equal. But seriously, the sony WH-1000XM3 drowns the mids in the bass without some equalising and I find the Autoeq 'harman kardon' settings an excellent basis to start coloring the music. ร€ctually the bass is pretty nice in the harmon kardon setting, but some music styles I give a little umph in the equaliser, most styles are perfect to my ears though, not an effect I can easily set myself based on listening and guessing.
  2. Well, Neutron is a great player and it has pre-amp but the user interface takes some *cough* getting used to. It needs more study to do things, but I must say in audio quality I hardly see a difference other than the great equaliser (and the autoeq feature that works for my Sony WH- 1000XM3). I was tinkering a lot to get the headphones more natural before discovering AutoEQ, I really think Sony over appreciates bass ;-).
  3. The thing is, the headphones must be measured by a lab to calculate the EQ profile. I do not see yours in the list of tested devices. If you can find a good measurement of it, you could calculate it yourself using AutoEq (or ask the author of the tooling to include it), but the author of that can only base his work on the labs like rtings, oratory etc. You can try another mdr headphone with comparable specs to see if you like it, but apart from the excessive base Sony loves there might be some things to tweak here and there. The beauty of the Neutron Approach is that you can define your own preset based on a comparable one and use it the same as a AutoEQ pre-defined one. To be honest, Poweramp is a lot easier to operate than Neutron, which currently has better equaliser options for those that want to squeeze everything out of their equipment. That is why I proposed to add AutoEQ settings to Poweramp for those fortunate enough to own a headphone in the measured list without going through the hassle of setting everything manually. On Neutron I was able to set my headphone profile before the update by editting the xml file with settings, not something I see the average user execute with confidence (although it is not that hard if you have some experience with Android).
  4. I thought you were questioning if it was true, my bad, misunderstood you probably. The source of the eq presets is : https://github.com/jaakkopasanen/AutoEq
  5. https://neutroncode.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=99&sid=a1063cc33f9fb57b1069d55a487c0adf see the functional description here: https://neutroncode.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=6134&sid=c24d6ef70d5a6d21eaf2d12bccba214e#p16249
  6. Check the release notes if you don't beleive me ;-). 2.16.0: * New: - Frequency Response Correction DSP (Playback - DSP Effect): to correct FR of the output device, collection of 5000+ AutoEq presets for 2500+ headphones for flattening their FR. * Improved:
  7. I am pretty sure there is no copyright on them, free to download. The Parametric files are available as text files : Preamp: -6.4 dB Filter 1: ON PK Fc 24 Hz Gain -5.7 dB Q 0.47 Filter 2: ON PK Fc 119 Hz Gain -6.5 dB Q 0.64 Filter 3: ON PK Fc 1515 Hz Gain 5.3 dB Q 1.59 Filter 4: ON PK Fc 4278 Hz Gain 4.7 dB Q 1.78 Filter 5: ON PK Fc 16206 Hz Gain 2.3 dB Q 0.72 Filter 6: ON PK Fc 547 Hz Gain -2.0 dB Q 3.27 Filter 7: ON PK Fc 805 Hz Gain -1.6 dB Q 3.89 Filter 8: ON PK Fc 2193 Hz Gain 0.5 dB Q 0.09 Filter 9: ON PK Fc 6791 Hz Gain 3.9 dB Q 5.89 Filter 10: ON PK Fc 6815 Hz Gain -2.3 dB Q 1.44 So should be easy to parse.
  8. @Pankajk5The real genius is Jaakko Pasanen who creates the settings from the measurements he collects from the labs. I will take credit for bringing things together only ;-). I was struggling like you with my sony headphones to reduce bass and get more clarity in the middle range. I even looked at the measurements and tried to adjust by hand. Based on the results I stumbled on wavelet that uses AutoEq (16 bits only) and then to the database of Jaakko. I applied them to Neutron trial and like you was blown away by the result, so much better than my manual attempts to get things straight. Hence my request to get this integrated into Poweramp so we can all benefit from the experience. You can always tweak a bit on music style or personal preference, but you need a solid base to start with.
  9. Copyright is no issue. You can contact the developer on Reddit. https://www.reddit.com/user/jaakkopasanen, If you like I will mail him for you.
  10. Oh, I almost forgot. The benefit for users would be to download the settings automatically instead of tweaking things by hand. That is the main request. If I understand you correctly by 'in the meantime' you are suggesting to include this feature in a next/future release ?
  11. I tried it on Neutron trial with manual settings (they have a text file with eq settings) and the result is amazing. If you look at the result for Sony WH-1000XM3 you see that the frequency/Qfactor/Gain is a very close approximation to the desired curve, much better than using fixed frequence and gain. Just see the comparison in the graph. I agree that it is questionable if a human ear would hear the delta in every music style you are listening to. Still, what is wrong with perfection ๐Ÿ™‚
  12. But they are sub-optimal ๐Ÿ˜‰ Just an approximation versus the real deal. Hence a feature request.
  13. Actually the parametric settings are provided online in the results section, so you can easily provide the list from https://github.com/jaakkopasanen/AutoEq/blob/master/results/README.md which links to the parametric file like https://github.com/jaakkopasanen/AutoEq/blob/master/results/oratory1990/harman_over-ear_2018/Sony WH-1000XM3/Sony WH-1000XM3 ParametricEQ.txt So, it should be easy to implement ;-). Secondly you need to set all parameters to make it work, so manual changes would be a step, but only sliders will not work without Q factor and specific frequency.
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