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Poweramp Equalizer Knowledge Base

База знаний Poweramp Equalizer




Posts posted by Chrisubuntu

  1. You're right. Long press seems to work but not consistently. 1st of all, I have to wait like 4 seconds to long press for a second rewind to register. But other times, I have to Long press 2 or 3 times for the cmd to register 😔. Also I don't see an option to customize the rewind time and default is 5 seconds. Having to wait 4 seconds then the app rewinding 5 seconds makes this unusable, especially when listening to audiobooks, where rewinding is very important.  Is there a technical reason PA can't behave like the other apps I mentioned earlier ? 

  2. When simulating a rewind media command (ie. Skip back 10 seconds) either from a remote device or a button on the phone, that cmd gets registered only once in PA. The second command doesn't work. There's a simple way to test this. 

    1. Install this free app https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=flar2.homebutton

    2. Map any button to perform a Rewind cmd (here I chose Single press Volume up button Button mapper https://imgur.com/gallery/9Clqd6K

    In most music players (Gonemad, Jetaudio, Musicolet, etc.) pressing that button multiple times in a row will continuously rewind. In PA, it'll rewind only once. 

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