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  1. @andrewilley I'll give that a try. After settings this screen is next, no waveseek, I opened a few and nothing listed as waveseek. I did set YAPS but is the same setting screen, for some reason I thought it was a bit different. I think I figured it out now, ignore the image I found the spectrum your talking about, that definitely does not change the main screens always blue bars. I've changed that one and that changes the EQ bars as well, but I'm usually on the main screen with artist list in Landscape mode, I do have a separate app visualizer but prefer to just leave Poweramp open with the analyzer albeit being blue. The 2nd image shows the blue that won't change that I'd like to turn red
  2. Just seen your respond, how about would that work, changing the colors for me? So every other setting can be controlled by the user except the visualizer?
  3. So the first 2 are YAPS, the 3rd an 4th pic are Luminous skin. You can see the EQ in the first 2 is green, but in picture 2 the bars are blue. 3 the EQ bars are Red/green, and in the 4th pic it's still blue. My goal is to change the blue in both skins if possible. I use the phone landscape while driving, my car's interior lighting is red and green. To be honest I just hate blue lol. Lmk if what I'm talking about is a option. I hope so, I'm tired of blue for over 8 years lol.
  4. Will do, I bought YAPS about a hour ago, I'll do some screenshots here on what exactly I'm talking about. I think I may be referring to what is a spectrum visualizer, it's bars that play to the beat, but I can't switch them to any color other than blue, I did a quick look around through YAPS and changing the EQ color settings changes the colors when you open app the EQ menu, so yes in that sense it works, but I'm looking to change the blue, im at work now but as soon as I get a chance I'll see if I can post some pics. Not sure if there is a spectrum visualizer color setting.
  5. I can always try another skin, I'll give yours a try tonight. Thanks
  6. I've looked through settings. I've been using Poweramp for well over 8 years now. Recently I changed the skin and now it matches my car's interior, my problem is the blue EQ bars are blue. Now when I go to EQ settings the tiny EQ changes color, but when I go back to main screen with the larger Display is still blue. What option am I missing. It's even called EQ bars color change, but it's not changing the EQ I want. Maybe I can add some screenshots if that helps.
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