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Matt Gertz

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  1. This hit me again yesterday as well (I'm not using the beta, I should mention -- not even sure how to do that, TBH) -- I was demonstrating a new playlist to a friend, and I didn't notice that "Shuffle Just Songs" got changed to "Shuffle All Available Songs" when my truck's Bluetooth (Ford Sync 3/Android Auto) connected, and the next thing I knew, I was suddenly playing a Christmas song once the current acid jazz track finished. This sort of thing has happened about 20% of the time since my phone got upgraded to Android 14 in November, and so as of last night I've temporarily shifted to a free (albeit much more limited) player until this problem gets worked-around. I'd really, really rather use Poweramp because it's awesome and a lot more fully-featured that pretty much any other player -- but, paradoxically, the fact that it has so many shuffle and replay options makes it more affected by this Android 14 behavior change than many other players. Most other players I've seen limit shuffling and replay to whatever the current album or playlist is, so it's not as big of a deal if those get toggled by this Bluetooth weirdness -- you can fix that from the controls on the steering wheel, as you are still "in" the current "category." But if a Bluetooth change happens that takes you out of the current album or playlist (for me, it's been the shuffle-shift mentioned above), the only recourse is to hope that verbal commands will work correctly to re-select the playlist or album -- beyond that, I have to hope for a very long red traffic light to do the several clicks and swipes to get me back to where I was. (There was some indication that Android was going to investigate why they were suddenly messing up player apps with this Bluetooth oddness back in November, but I have been unable to locate any info on how that was coming along... I feel bad for you Poweramp folks.)
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