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  1. Thanks. I'll fix the files and will reach out to the label about it.
  2. That's just sad. Bleep should've known better. Thanks for the pointers.
  3. These tracks are sold by Bleep (Warp label).
  4. Hi, I have a purchased version of Poweramp build 976 which doesn't show/use tags on some FLAC files. On some files it doesn't even show the track time, but is able to play these tracks. Mp3Tag shows tags on these files just fine. I uploaded several files to https://1drv.ms/u/s!Ah6fXVV9ivrOiqVBs6dEVS0J6J9YCA?e=P3wQay The password on the link and on the file this link points to is "poweramp123" (no quotes around it). Thanks.
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