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Poweramp Equalizer Knowledge Base

База знаний Poweramp Equalizer




Everything posted by StrengthByBeats

  1. @maxmp Hello, I would love to know if I can donate to you? I've had times with this app that I'll never forget with my proper and well-pleased setup! It's killer work and I've been using it for years:) I wouldn't have started a topic if I could find a way to donate as your not an open-source app developer that lets me drop an anonymous donation. There is no topics on this and I would like to donate in the near future:) I want a pleased and understandable give in my timing:) Nothing today as it takes the joy out of it for me:)
  2. Yeah, I would like to add I actually started doing this for selected artist images that were huge resolution. However, if you embed the album art this is not needed as the album art displays at the same quality. I say this after comparing the album art that's embedded to the album art with this trick. Something I overlooked:)
  3. @maxmp Ok, thanks for the further info. Good information for me to look into:)
  4. @maxmp Thanks for the reply and information and I argue with you none after that. However, I don't know what happens specifically but when I do this it definitely comes out with a higher a quality image even if downscaled still opposed to choosing a 3000x3000 artwork and letting Poweramp downscale it to a 1024x1024 .jpg in that folder. Thanks and here are two screenshots one with my trick and the other with Poweramp just downscaling when selecting the artwork. You can compare the two with VES-Image comparer and see a huge quality difference zoomed in.
  5. Hello, just a quick tip if the downscaled resolution album artwork is driving you nuts with Increased Resolution on just follow these steps to prevent it. First, long press the album art of the album and set it to no album art. Then lastly copy the artwork in your music folder or elsewhere at very hi-resolution of let's say 3000x3000 to /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.maxmpz.audioplayer/files/selected_aa. However, if you prefer .webp for album art instead of .jpg as I do as it's newer tech and is way better lossy compression change the .webp extension to .jpg and it will show the album art not downscaled still. When you set the album art to none it will leave a blank .jpg in the folder I mentioned above and it's imperative you name the copied artwork the same as the blank one with .jpg. Obviously delete the blank .jpg first. This works beautifully around hi-resolution artwork being downscaled. Give it a shot as I crush it and do the same thing for selected artist images. Downscaling does a number on image quality. 😁😁😁
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