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  1. Hi- I'm not using multiple apps, I'm just using the Apple Music app and PA EQ at the same time and no other apps running. I'm just curious as to why an app like wavelet EQ works and stays engaged when the stream changes sample rate but PA EQ can't aren't they both subject to the same system requirements ?
  2. Well then I guess that sounds like the issue. I was under the impression the app bypassed Android system restrictions but maybe that was just wavelette EQ since it seems to work on all the sample rates and bit depths I sent through it. Is there a plan to implement this ability? What is a regular Android stream?
  3. Hi - if you mean unrestricted battery I did that and if you mean unrestricted data usage I did that as well and it still stops working arbitrarily. Again it seems like when I go from a Hi Res stream to a regular lossless. I do not see an exceptions list.
  4. Hi Having an issue with power amp EQ lately. I'm running it on a Hiby R6 Gen 3 Dap streaming Apple Music. I'm using PEQ settings which work when I first start steaming music but after an arbitrary amount of songs being played the PEQ will stop working and I will have to close both apps and restart to get it to work again. I read that the batter setting has an affect on the EQ performance but I've changed the settings to have the battery in unrestricted performance but the issue still happens. The only thing I've noticed is that it seems like when a song is streaming in lossless format and changes to another song that's streaming in Hi-Res Lossless it disengages- not sure if that's the problem but something I noticed. Could there be a setting I'm missing? Many thanks
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