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Poweramp Equalizer Knowledge Base

База знаний Poweramp Equalizer




Everything posted by NorthstarNY

  1. Ok, thanks for the information. Poweramp is definitely seeing the playlists, but around 50% or more of the songs end up "unplayable" through the playlist, although they are definitely on the device and can be played when selected directly -- the playlist just doesn't seem to be able to "find" them. This holds true even if I do a Rescan. Maybe I need to do a Full Rescan?
  2. I've been using Poweramp for several years, and have not had an issue with transferring playlists from my computer until today. I use Media Player Legacy to copy the files to my phone, which duplicates the file paths from my PC to the phone. I would then copy the playlist files (in .wpl or .m3u format) to a folder on my phone which Poweramp has access to, and then use the import function under settings. This time when I updated my music, I copied over the playlists as usual, but when I try to import them it says "0 playlists imported". While Poweramp can see the .wpl and .m3u files, they do not seem to be structured properly, and the bulk of the files will not play. I'm not sure what has changed that the import function does not seem to want to work, but any help would be appreciated.
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