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Julian Lavreau

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  1. Thanks @Fitzian. I was too brief in stating the question. No file names were changed. Folder locations were not changed. I have thousands of songs, hundreds of which were created using sound editing programs. I tried the rescan function and it recovered a small number of songs, but I'll assume that short of manually sifting through files one by one, there is no facility to locate files. I've tried 8 different Android music apps and Poweramp is the best, but I will testify: I don't need another feature, bell or whistle except an app that intelligently helps to organize (including finding) music files. I'd pay hundred dollars for a program that find a file notify me where it is and allow me to move it appropriately; or that intelligently can report broken (missing file) playlists entries; or eliminate duplicates. For those of use who may have moved music from different platforms (e.g., iTunes, Windows) to Android I see posts all over the net with people just trying to find their music. Bells and whistles don't work if the songs aren't there to be played. End of rant. Start of file hunting.... Thanks again.
  2. I recently purchased Poweramp. I have 90 playlists and in about 30% of them, Poweramp fails to play (skips/can not locate) the songs. What to do?
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