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Marvin Martian

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  1. Well, here it is 2023, and I am having exactly the same problem. Try to repeat a Playlist, choose "Repeat Category"... and at the end of the playlist, Poweramp goes into "playing all songs" mode. I've tried turning off Shuffle, to no effect. I even tried putting the same Playlist into the Queue multiple times, but then if I have Shuffle turned on, the same song sometimes comes up repeatedly. As MarsOrBust said, surely there is some easy way to do this. I would guess that one of the other settings I've chosen is blocking the Repeat Playlist function? Using Poweramp build-957-bundle-play [957004-fc6ea6fb] - Full Version - 64 bit Installed on a Galaxy Tab A8 - SM-X200 * * * * * (Later...) Oh, nevermind. I failed to read your reply carefully, andrewilly. The key to the solution to this problem is where you say "make sure you are listening in Playlist mode". I found instructions elsewhere on this forum that say to do that: Go to Playlists in the Library Open the desired Playlist in Library Mode Select the "Play" icon at the top. * * * * * I was going to "Playlists" in the Library, using the "Select" button at the top there, and then putting that selection into the Queue to get it to play. Now I know better!
  2. Sorry if this is a question that's been answered many times, but I'm new to the forum and also fairly new to using Android. I did find the FAQ (thanks, Google!) but don't see this issue addressed there. Anyway, I'm trying to enable Poweramp as a "known player" in Poweramp Equalizer. I have done the following: 1. Enabled "Music FX" in Poweramp Settings > Advance Tweaks 2. Disabled DVC 3. Rebooted the tablet My issue is with the instruction to "enable or disable it in second tab of the the EQ screen in Poweramp". I see instructions to access that via the Visualization icon on the main Poweramp screen, but I have no idea how to find the "second tab" of the EQ screen, or what a "tab" is in Android. Well, Googling that a bit, I do see some examples, but I don't see how they have any relation to the Poweramp interface on my Android tablet. Anyway, despite trying various things I can't get anything to show up in the "known player" section of Android Poweramp. I have not yet tried to use the ADB option, since that seems to come with some warnings I don't understand. Hopefully there is a way to get Poweramp Equalizer to work with Poweramp on my tablet, without having to use that sort of hack? I'm using a Galaxy Tab A8 tablet, with Android version 13. Poweramp app info says "Version build-956-bundle-play". I am using the full (paid) version of Poweramp, and at the moment using the trial version of Equalizer; I am reluctant to buy the full version unless I can get it to work.
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