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Cyber Pixel

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Posts posted by Cyber Pixel

  1. Thanks for showing interest in this topic!

    I've got a few things to mention. Firstly, in my line of music listening, I mostly get my .flac files from Bandcamp. Commonly, the .flac files from Bandcamp usually tend to have lyrics as plain text in the UNSYNCEDLYRICS field as seen using Mp3tag. This can be seen by:

    1. Opening the .flac file in Mp3tag
    2. Selecting the file
    3. Clicking on the 'Extended Tags' option on the top menu bar
    4. Selecting the UNSYNCEDLYRICS tag
    5. Clicking on the 'Edit Field' button to the right

    Upon viewing the contents of the tag, it is most commonly found to have plain text as its field value. It seems to render accurately in Notepad with UTF-8 along with line breaks. (See screenshot)


    Second thing is that if I want Poweramp to actually display the lyrics as plain text for the .flac file, I have to:

    1. Create a new extended tag called LYRICS
    2. Copy the exact same plain text lyrics that was in the UNSYNCEDLYRICS tag
    3. Paste it as the plain-text value for the LYRICS tag

    This seems to work fine in Poweramp and render the lyrics correctly (not synced ofcourse)

    One other oddity that I have sometimes (rarely) observed for the UNSYNCEDLYRICS tag is that there might be a "eng|" language marker before the lyrics. When copying the tag contents to the LYRICS tag for a file that has this language marker, Poweramp interprets that as part of the lyrics, and doesn't hide it. It gets rendered in like any normal text.

    For reference, I have attached two .flac files that have been downloaded from Bandcamp (Google Drive Upload, note that it is not embeded, please replace (dot) with ' . ').



    So what is the final story?

    (Hopefully) this should be relatively easy to implement, as this tag only contains plain text. As suggested by @andrewilley that order seems to be the best choice (and possible with reversing 4 and 5 order).

    I hope this feature is added soon and I can't wait to use the new lyrics feature with most of my files after the update :P (seriously, I've got over 600 flac files that have lyrics in the UNSYNCEDLYRICS tag just begging to be viewed XD)


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