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eng 6955

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  1. @chickenfingersub I asked the question because using MediaMonkey Wi-Fi Sync to transfer music files to an Android device and then playing those files with another media player has a critical drawback. Anyway, I also manage the folder structure and file names of the music library on my PC and Android device to be the same. This is because when I export playlists as M3U8 in foobar2000 on my PC, Poweramp can use the M3U8 files directly without any issues. Additionally, I no longer use the “music” folder as the Android library folder. The reason is that right after a large number of files are synchronized to the “music” folder, Android and other apps start scanning the folder, which causes issues with Poweramp’s scanning. Poweramp’s scanning takes a very long time, and sometimes the scan does not complete properly, resulting in missing files or tags. To avoid this, you can manually start the Poweramp library scan after waiting for a while. A simpler method is to use a folder with a name other than “music” as the library folder and create a .nomedia file. This way, only Poweramp will scan that folder, and even after synchronizing a large number of music files, Poweramp will complete the scan without any issues. Since I started doing this, I have not experienced Poweramp missing files or tags.
  2. Do you mean the wi-fi sync of mediamonkey android?
  3. When I press “Export Setting/Data” in Poweramp on Android 13, the SAF (Storage Access Framework) is launched. I navigate to the desired location in Google Drive and use the backspace key to delete everything except “.ext” from the pre-defined file name by Poweramp. The problem occurs at this point. After deleting the text before “.ext”, it moves to the upper directory in Google Drive as if I pressed the back button. This happens whether I hold down the backspace key for a long time or press it multiple times. After the text is deleted, it moves to the upper directory, taking me out of the location where I want to save the file. The strange thing is that this issue does not occur in the text input form when creating a new folder with SAF. It only happens in the file name input form predefined by the app when exporting data from the app. I know this is not Poweramp’s fault, but this is the only thing that bothers me while using Poweramp. It's not a big problem, but I would like to use a different file explorer if there is a way. Press Backspace -> Press Backspace ->
  4. When the number of songs is small, any method doesn't matter. 1. However, the storage space of the device is getting bigger and bigger. 2. You can save a lot of files accordingly. 3. Having many files means that library management, such as consistent tag organization, is necessary. There are several programs that perform tag management or synchronization. foobar2000, mp3tag, musicbee, mediamonkey Using MTP is absolutely terrible, so wi-fi sync is the best option for now. Which program do you prefer to detect files with changed tags and sync them seamlessly to files on your device?
  5. I want something like this too Imagine your music files have well-organized metadata. Original release date Rerelease release date, such as a remaster In the case of a compilation album, the original release date of each track It would be really cool if I could display the value of the tag field I want.
  6. hello there I'm not talking about modifying track tags. For example, I bookmarked the timestamp where the lyric 'hello' appears. Then, the bookmark list only shows the values of the tag fields, such as track number, title, artist, and album, according to the existing list settings. Therefore, it becomes difficult to find the desired item when there are multiple bookmark items or when different timestamps are bookmarked on the same track. Is there a function to add a bookmark name or description when adding a bookmark or after adding it? I think it would be really convenient if the bookmark description was displayed along with the tag field value of the track in the bookmark list. Is there a menu or option related to this that I'm missing? thank you
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