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Stuart Bruce

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Posts posted by Stuart Bruce

  1. Thanks for the response, and apologies for the delayed response, January is very busy for me and I haven't had the time to try moving all the media to a new folder and changing the share yet.

    I'm on Android 12 on a Samsung S10, if that makes a difference.

    Is the "Music" folder on the internal storage of an Android device counted as a system folder, like "Download"?

    What I don't quite understand is why the scanning process shows a valid number of files and folders being counted while the process is continuing, but then only when it's finished, it suddenly pops back to 0 and 0. It must have read access to the folder to be able to scan it. So I wonder whether there's a particular file in there that's tripping it up, rather than the general access overall? Is there a log somewhere that I could dig into to see if I can see a reason why the scan comes back with no results?

  2. Hello

    I had an unusual Poweramp issue over the last few days. A full rescan of my Music folder would look like it was running (detecting hundreds of files and hundreds of folders), but when it was finished, it would suddenly declare there were 0 files, 0 folders, and only the playlist files were found. But the files were definitely there, and they were being counted while the scan was proceeding.

    Based on this thread 

    I went into Settings -> Misc and turned "File Access Legacy Mode" to "on", and rescanned, and then it worked. It did the full scan and found all my music files and playlists.

    I'm a little concerned by this, because it says "the file access legacy mode won't be supported in the future versions of Android". Which versions? If I get an Android update, is music scanning going to suddenly stop working for me? Is there anything I can do about this?

    Somebody in the previous thread suggested that a rogue special character like "á" might be causing the problem. It's possible a file with a special character is now in my library, but I've got over 10,000 files in there so... how might I find it?



  3. Apologies for the delayed reply to this.

    Somehow this issue seems to have magically fixed itself after a second full rescan. I was going to post after one full rescan to say that it was still happening, but another poke with MusicBee first then another full rescan after, and suddenly those albums (and all the other examples I have found) now suddenly seem to be sorting correctly in disc order.

    I can't see the logic behind this (why tracks 9 then 3 then 8? why did Poweramp show the correct track numbers, but fail to sort by them when the sort mode was "Track #"? I just don't get it), but for the moment it does appear to be fixed. I'll come back and post an update if I see something similar happening again though.


  4. As suggested, I've temporarily uploaded the three tracks from "Wide Angle" that should be ordering numerically, but aren't.

    You should be OK to find them here: http://www.twentypenguins.co.uk/misc/poweramp_ordering_issue/

    For obvious reasons I will take these tracks down after a few days, or once there's a solution at hand.

    For what it's worth, the background of these files is that I bought these albums on Compact Disc (remember them?) in a record shop (remember them?) in the 1990's (remember them?). Then around 2007-ish I imported the CD's into iTunes. I've been rocking iTunes (and Rocket Player) ever since despite its age, until earlier this year when I imported the whole library into MusicBee. It's MusicBee's sync functions that have pushed the files onto my phone. The files above are copied directly from my phone.

    The point being, the metadata and tags ought to be consistent and valid and reasonably sensible. If I had naughtily downloaded random tracks off the internet I would understand if the metadata was all messed up, but that's not the situation here.

    I've played this album many times in Rocket Player and not had this ordering issue, until I gave up on Rocket Player earlier this year for unrelated reasons.


  5. Thanks everyone for the replies.

    Unfortunately, I don't think the disc number tag is the issue here. I turned the Show Disc option as @andrewilley suggested, but the disc number on all the tracks is "1" (assuming I am looking at the correct tag). So if the "by track #" sort is ordering by disc number first, then by track number, it ought to be in order.

    There's a large library on my phone and I'd estimate that about 50% of the albums on there are affected in this way, it's definitely not limited to just the original example I posted. Attached are some screengrabs showing the previous Orbital album with the disc number showing, and a different album showing the same symptoms.

    It appears that for these two albums, I can sort by filename and it sorts successfully, which is probably due to the settings I've used to push the files across from MusicBee. However I don't think I can always rely on the filename having a numerical prefix to sort by. Ideally, sort "by track #" would actually sort by track number!




  6. I like to listen to albums in track order, and queue up a few albums for a long drive.

    I'm now finding in Poweramp that even though I've got the Sort option for Album Songs set to "By track #", Poweramp still puts the tracks into a different order, then when I queue them up, they play in the order they're being listed, not in track number order.

    The screengrabs show what I'm seeing. In the second grab you can see that the album is being sorted starting with track 6, then 5, then 7, then 8, then 2, then 3, then 4, then 1... and what I want is 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 if possible.

    Is there a setting somewhere that I'm missing? Or might this be a bug where track number sorting isn't working?

    I'm on build 945, on Android 12.

    Any help welcome please?



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