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mikhail Liew

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  1. Nope, bluetooth is always off. radio app was never used and turned off too. Yes, i had to give permission for bluetooth to allow other devices access for the Poweramp app. There is this media output option from the UI home/menu which i find somehow is connected to this issue i see. This is for music sharing on bluetooth ( which is turned off ) When going into the media output, there is a tab for Music Share and a dropdown menu on the top right to go into its setting. In this setting there is an option to enable " Show earbuds when available" , to show your Galaxy buds in the media output panel if they're nearby, turned on and ready to connect. ( this is also turned off ) This media output option only appears when i gave the permission for the bluetooth to gave nearby devices access for this app. When permission is not allowed, this media output option will be done and so is the lockscreen widget. See attached screenshots Really strange. haha
  2. Yes, the Poweramp lock screen feature is totally different from what I had previously, so this is out. Restoring defaults did not work either. Notifications is already enabled for Poweramp, to show on top. Searched high and low in various forums posts, reddit threads, self help websites and finally found what is the problem. I did not set permission for bluetooth, to allow nearby devices access to this app. Once I allowed permission, the lockscreen widget came back on I don't allowed permission and the lockscreen widget is gone again. Now the next question is why do I need to allow this bluetooth permission thing in order to use the lockscreen widget? To allow nearby devices access to this app ........ this doesn't sound very safe, is it?
  3. I just updated my phone yesterday and noticed that the lockscreen widget is missing in the lockscreen when music is being played. This is good for change the songs on the go. Before the phone update, no issue with this as the widget is always on the lockscreen But now I found that I need to swipe down the lockscreen to access the widget under notifications. I do not have to do this previously. I do not remember what version i was from before but I remember I had not updated for quite some time. It is now on Android 12, UI 4.1. I am using samsung S10+, Poweramp build-305 and version build-939-bundle play[939004-333c8a71] full version 64bit. Went through the usual google for answer, reddit, forums and reviews and sort of found the answer but not quite. Had to enable the "show on lock screen" in Poweramp lockscreen settings. But now it is showing the entire Poweramp menu screen in the lockscreen instead of a small widget. Notification setting in phone setting is enabled for Poweramp and always show on display. Lockscreen > widget > music tab is enabled. Have tried most of the methods found online but since everyone phone is different, what works for them does not work for me. https://imgur.com/mlL3SgR Not sure if you get my point but maybe this screenshots will ..... I hope All I hope to get is to have the small widget back onto the lockscreen. When I tap the phone, the lockscreen pop up and the widget is there for me to change songs.
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