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Posts posted by Darkaeden

  1. 48 minutes ago, andrewilley said:

    There are two phases within a Full Rescan. The first phase crawls through all of the directories that you have set as 'Music Folders', and it simply finds any audio files (e.g. *.mp3, *.flac, etc). That should only take a few seconds. The second phases starts again and checks the contents of every one of those found files for Title, Artist, Album, etc tags. The second phase takes a lot longer as it has to access every file directly, and slower file systems will show up most at that stage.


    The second phase of the full rescan is the one that takes long for me.

    im currently backing up all my micro SD, so that i can format it and check if it helps.

    any other suggestions on how to speed it up? File system you mean the one of the micro SD?


  2. 10 hours ago, MotleyG said:

    I suggest you try changing this to something like TUNES/ARTIST/ALBUM as Android sees the MUSIC/ folder and is trying to read it as well.

    Tried but it’s still slow. As I speak, 3000songs found out of 8000 in 20minutes…

    guess I’ll have to format the sd and check how it will go.

    not sure if I shall keep the legacy ON or OFF though.

  3. 1 minute ago, MotleyG said:

    I suggest you try changing this to something like TUNES/ARTIST/ALBUM as Android sees the MUSIC/ folder and is trying to read it as well.

    Ok, i’ll try tomorrow! Thanks!

    even if i don’t understand which concurrent android tasks would be using the music folder (as Hiby music is stopped forcibly).


  4. 3 minutes ago, MotleyG said:

    I'm assuming these are on an external SD card, given the Hiby doesn't have enough internal storage typical for 8k audio files.

    Have you tried a different card to make sure it isn't an issue there first?

    Do you have these files in a Structured folder/filename format including a main library folder that isn't a standard OS name? A folder like "Music" may have the OS scanning it while you are also trying to scan with your Hiby player app. Try renaming it to something the OS won't try to steal, like "Daniele Tunes" or anything that Android won't take over.

    1. Correct, they are on an external microSD

    2. I did not try, as the same card is fairly new and was working much faster (in terms of Poweramp full rescan) on the older Sony A105.

    3. In the SD root, the structure is MUSIC/ARTIST/ALBUM. They hiby player app is force stopped.



  5. I am having issue with first/full rescan of library on my Hiby M300 (last firmware, android 13).
    I have around 8000files, most of them FLAC.

    With the playstore version, the full rescan was too slow i could not even wait for.

    With the web downloaded version, with legacy mode ON, it’s taking less, but still around one hour to complete which is much more than even my old Sony A105 with Android 9.

    Is it normal?

    Anyone sharing their experience?

  6. On 3/22/2021 at 2:32 AM, yjpiaomiao said:

    1.Sony Wlakman NW-A105

    2.Andriod9 Sony Custom ROM V4.02

    3.This is a HiFi Player powered by Android

    4.Poweramp Build900

    It could be play on 192khz but only 16bit in Audio Track Output.There is no Hi-Res option and the OpenSL ES Hi-Res Output could only be used on USB DAC and BT.

    Hope you can help solve this problem.

    Same here.

  7. Hi,

    anyone using Poweramp with a Sony a105 willing to share best sound quality optimization?
    In particular, I am using BT earphones Edifier Neobuds pro (LDAC), but either on OpenSL and OpenSL Hi-Res, the output is fixed to 44.1 and 16bit no matter the kHz bitrate of the Flac I am playing and that the neobuds can enjoy 32bits and 192khz in LDAC mode.

    Thank you.

  8. 14 hours ago, maxmp said:

    @Daniele Martire as you have BT device, DVC and volume related issues depend on Absolute Volume setting. See your Settings / Audio / Direct Volume Control page, it explains it in details, also here:

    "No sound" from BT device most probably means very low volume OR double volume applied (DVC enabled + Absolute volume is ON).

    You need to raise volume on the device if Absolute volume is disabled. In this mode, both phone and BT device have volume controls. Volume on the phone should stay in middle range (not min nor max), volume on the device should be set as needed.

    If BT device doesn't have apparent volume controls, you can't use Absolute volume in disabled mode, thus need to disable DVC in Poweramp.

    DVC is not related to your BT codec. Codec is selected by Android BT stack and device, Poweramp can't control or modify this, it only shows the selected codec and parameters.

    Some codec adjustments are possible either via standard Android bluetooth options (usually LDAC switch), or via Developer settings - where codecs can be switched, but the resulting codec is defied by phone + BT device compatibility/negotiation.


    Thank you, this solved the direct Bluetooth connection in between my Hiby R6 and my BT Final ZE3000.

    My issue remains if i want to use my Bluetooth USB-C DAC (aptx adaptive receiver) to get use of Aptx Adaptive of my ZE3000 (since Hiby R6 is not aptx Adaptive compatible per se).

    I did some test, connected the usb dac to my Hiby R6 with the IEM paired to the DAC in aptx adaptive:

    1) in PA if USB DAC is ON under HiRes, no sound get streamed, no matter if i switch NO DVC ON or OFF. I also tried to rise volume trough PA and also directly from my IEM (which bips, thus increasing the volume) but no sound it’s streamed. Also tried to disable Absolute Volume from developer but no sound get streamed.

    2) in PA if USB DAC is ON under AAudio Output instead, if NO DVC is OFF, no sound is streamed, no matter if i rise volume on PA or by my IEM.

    if NO DVC is ON, sounds get streamed (can change bitrate, cannot change kbps which remains fixed to 48khz) but i can control the volume only via touch buttons directly on my IEM (visually also showing increase of +-1 in Poweramp volume UI wheel). If i try to change volume from PA UI volume wheel, the volume does not change. How can i sync PA volume with the IEM volume via USB DAC?


    note: i tried the USBC DAC with Hiby player, and it works flawlessly, no config needed.

    Anyhow, for the test above with PA, Hiby player was disabled and forced stopped from Android to avoid conflicts.


    thank you

  9. 12 minutes ago, andrewilley said:

    As stated in the other thread, DVC should probably be disabled for external DAC devices as a general rule.

    I don't know whether @maxmp has any samples of your particular hardware combinations to test on, but as soon as you start working with non-standard Android devices (such as dedicated audio players with their own modified ROMs) and then add an external DAC or external BT driver, compatibility issues can (and most likely will) arise as soon as you start to move away from default audio modes and into the more experimental and hardware-dependent high-res features.


    I understand.

    point is that here, if i switch NO DVC to ON, it switch to 24bit but no sound is streamed, eventhough the music is playing (can see the scroll bar and seconds running).

    hope it can be fixed somehow.

    thanks as always for the supportz

  10. Hello,

    I have an issue to check with you.

    I am currently using Poweramp on my new Hiby R6 2020, which does not support AptX Adaptive.

    On the other hands, my Moondrop Variations are connected Bluetooth with FIIO UTWS5 which support AptX Adaptive (24bit).

    I then purchased a small USB BT DAC capable of streaming in AptX adaptive, and indeed its led color is showing that, when attached and paired with the UTWS5.

    Despite that, Poweramp is showing streaming at capped 16bit, with “No DVC” OFF, for Hi-Res USB DAC device.

    If I switch ON “No DVC”, then 16bit became 24bit, but no audio is streamed.


    (on the same philosophy, for both wired and direct BT connection, I had to switch NO DVC ON to raise the bitrate (and volume) for these two device, working fine with no problem, there is another thread on that in the forum).

    Anyone can support?


  11. I am sorry to call back the thread.

    can anyone please explain me how to import the txt autoeq files for my headphones into Poweramp?

    specifically i have three earphones for which i’d like to import (and save) their autoeq parametric equalizations, without inputting everything by hand.



    Edit: i found out, by long pressing in the eq presets, i can import the autoeq txt files.

  12. 9 minutes ago, MotleyG said:

    @Daniele Martire Most DAP devices have custom hardware architecture, and more importantly the internal processing is already hi-res. So DVC is not required and should be disabled as you have now figured out. The sample format bit depth is also not selectable, as these are locked to match the sample rate that you choose. This isn’t just for  Hiby, you should see the same on your iBasso DX160 as well (I also have this device).

    Unfortunately a bit-perfect option is not currently available with Poweramp, although this has been requested many times in the past. While I agree with the assessment that was posted by @maxmp some time ago regarding the standard Android implementation not truly being able to handle this well in the past, the sheer number of newer Android-based hi-res capable DAPs and  phones should be considered for adding it now. Neutron and UAPP both support bit perfect playback, as do some of the device manufacturer apps like Hiby, Fiio, and Mango (iBasso) players. These work even in shuffle modes with files that have different sample depth and rates, so it is definitely possible to be done. 

    On the flip side of this however, the processing these units typically do for anything is at 32 or even 64 bit, prior to handing the digital signal off to the DACs. So unless all DSP effects including EQ and tone, delays, compressors, expanders, etc. are disabled, there will already be resampling applied. In these cases I would suggest you select either (1) the highest bitrate your device can handle (or at least the highest rate your files have) for maximum flexibility, or (2) the most common bitrate in your library (I’d guess 44.1kHz if you’ve ripped most from CD or 48kHz if you are purchasing online) , and only switch manually to match higher rates when critically listening based on the tracks you are listening to. At least until when, and hopefully not if, bit-perfect gets added as an option.

    These are just my personal suggestions based on my best experience to date. Poweramp’s UI and library management are far superior to any of the above mentioned apps. But a bit-perfect option at some point would be a welcome upgrade!😉

    Thanks for the in depth explaination!:) appreciated!

  13. Indeed it is not running with NO DVC ON.

    But again, looks like with this setting Poweramp uses the android resampling stock, which in the case of the Hiby r6 2020, the stock should be already bit perfect due to DTA tech.


  14. Just now, andrewilley said:

    Some manufacturers (e.g. Samsung) lock bitrates to frequencies. So for example 192kHz will automatically enable 24-bit. Might be what's happening here too.


    May be. But again, when NO DVC is off, it locks to 48khz (even if i choose 44.1) and 16bit.

    with NO DVC ON it properly goes to 44.1 and up, with rise in volume.

    may be that since Hiby R6 2020 has the DTA function already in OS bypassing Android sampling, the function in Poweramp works on the contrary?

  15. 8 hours ago, drftr said:

    Yes, you have to switch them On to be Off. Or the other way around. Nobody really knows. But I do confirm you need to do "something" with them, which is confirmed in many other posts as well.



    Great to know. But in my case beside rising the overall volume to same level as standard Hiby music app, it also allow to go default to 24bit insstead of fixed 16bit…

    still cant select bitrate though.

  16. Edit: looks like i solved partially, by switching ON both NO DVC and NO HEADROOM GAIN in Hi-Re / Wired, the volume got much louder and same as Hiby Music, 16bit become 24bit (still not selectable) and the Frequency changes accordingly (also showing proper same value in the notification bar above of the DAP).

  17. 1 hour ago, andrewilley said:

    I assume you have tried resetting the PA Output methods to device defaults? PA Settings > Audio > Output > Restore Defaults.

    You may find that OpenSL or AAudio offer some high-res options if the "Experimental Hi-Res Output" is not doing what you want on your particular device/ROM.


    Tried, but it doesnt work.

    Hiby music instead plays correctly in hires, and at the same volume level it sounds much louder than Poweramp (if the info can help).

    Poweramp hires works indeed on my other DAP ibasso dx160, but not on the new Hiby r6 2020. There will be any fix for that?

  18. On 2/26/2020 at 5:51 AM, Guitarzan said:

    I have the r6 pro, it was popping and clicking  in hi res 192/24. 
    I lowered the bit rate to 96/24 in the hi res settings in Poweramp, sounds fantastic! 

    Looks like i cannot go past the 16bit on my new Hiby r6 2020. How did you manage to go up to 24bit?

  19. 4 minutes ago, GoremanX said:

    Huh, you're right. I'm having the same issue. That's really frustrating. I mean, I've been using USB Audio Player Pro for the last couple months anyways since it sounds better and supports the R6 2020 directly, so it's not that big a deal for me, but I was hoping for improvement in this, not regression.

    Thats a shame.

    i just purchased the new r6 as an upgrade to the dx160, still thinking to keep Poweramp (UI wise is the best)…


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