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2 Screenshots

About This File

Builds 926-933:

  • new Shuffle Randomization option
    The option gradually prioritizes the least played tracks. Also the least played Albums, Genres, Playlists, non-hierarchy Folders, etc. are prioritized.
    Shuffle for Hierarchy Folders, 2nd level Albums prioritizes child lists as previously, tracks inside those categories are prioritized by the least played.
    Queue prioritizes the least played if shuffled via header Shuffle button.
    Shuffle for lists with only a few items is purely random as previously
  • new Category Items Shuffle option
    Replaces previous Shuffle Category Songs option
  • Shuffle All Songs In Folder Hierarchy shuffle mode is not reset by rescans anymore
  • items added to playlist or Queue now also automatically shuffled if Shuffle (songs) mode is active
    Added songs are shuffled after the first unplayed item
  • items added via Play Next now never shuffled and always played in order
    Shuffle button in Queue header still re-shuffles all Queue items
  • max preamp increased to +12dB
  • max parametric Q factor increased to 12
  • new options to change Bass and Treble tone frequency and Q
  • Legacy File Access is now enabled on Android upgrade if needed
  • added Material You styled app icons (Pixel and inverted Samsung variants)
    Android 12+
    Pixel launcher refreshes icon color (if changed) only after reboot
  • improved large playlists saving where system media scanner may require a lot of time to process
    System scanner still takes 50+ms per playlist entry, so large playlist may take a lot of system resources to process. System scanner always scans changed/new files. Consider using .nomedia file in the playlist folder if large playlists are used
  • fixed few issues with 3rd party skins @ Android 12
  • added workarounds for legacy Ducktamine skins
  • Absolute Volume detection improvements
  • added bold font for widgets
  • bug fixes and stability improvements


What's New in Version 03/13/2022 09:11 PM


Build 933:

  • fixed Compact header/Show titles only not being saved sometimes
  • improved gapless for lossless tracks
  • small fixes and stability improvements

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