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Posts posted by dende82

  1. 1 minute ago, andrewilley said:

    You could use a bulk renamer tool, but I agree it's a bit of a faff for a lot of files (especially when new ones keep arriving). Do these files not contain embedded Track# data to allow them to be sorted by Track into the correct order?

    I have a bulk renamer but I am not so much into it that I can set it up to look for a specific string, then if a number in this string is single digit and add a leading 0 to it. Pretty sure it works but I don't know how I can accomplish it.


    The files have a track number but files are not mainly the problem (although I sort by filename instead of track# for the reason that I also have podcasts in single files). The problem are the folders as I can't sort them by track#.

  2. I wanted to make the same request. I download a lot of audio books from Audible and the folders and filenames are named by Audible like this: <artist> - Episode 1 - <title>. In Poweramp, right after this folder comes <artist> - Episode 10 - <title>.


    I have hundreds of folders named this way because they are named like this by Audible. There are even audio books with over hundred episodes. I don't want to rename every folder manually after I download it and I also don't want to rename every file manually. This would take days! For example in Windows 10 the sorting is correct (Episode 1, Episode 2,..., Episode 10). Plus it doesn't look and read good to have something like "Episode 001".


    Isn't it possible to have the option to change the sorting to numeric instead of lexicographic?

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